Sam Alexander Nova One shot ~ Promise

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Light sandy gold blonde hair
Golden topaz eyes
Her power comes from the stars so light powered attacks
Uniform: Black fingerless gloves, black dress with white star on her chest and back white leggings black knee high boots. Gold circlet that bends down and comes to a point with topaz teardrop on her forehead like a slight v.

"Sam Alexander wake up!" Sam jolted upright in his seat.
"Idiot." Scoffed Peter.
"Shut up!" Growled the brunette.
"Mr. Alexander-"
"I know I know no sleeping in class." Sighed the tired teen. It wasn't his fault fury had them running around like crazy all night but it's not like he could even say this.
"That too." Sam winced at the sound of Colesons voice. He was standing stern faced in the doorway. "We have a new recruit,"
That was odd wording. Thought Sam sitting up straighter.
"Your to show her around. I believe you two know each other."
A girl stepped out from behind Coleson much to Sams and everyone else in the classes shock. She was a beautiful blonde with topaz eyes and flawless skin.
"SNOW!" Yelled Sam springing to his feet. The girl smiled and laughed.
"Sam!" Even Flash and Harry's mouths fell open as Sam sprang to the front and embraced the vivaciously curvy blonde. The bell rang dismissing last period class excluding the blonde and the team.
"Oh I missed you!" She laughed as Sam finally pulled away keeping a firm hold however on her hands.
"I did too! Look at you! Wow! You your-beautiful!" A bright blush appeared across her face.
"You got pretty handsome yourself." Snow admitted shyly.
Nova beamed at her feeling his heart skipping for joy at her presence.
"How did you get here?" Demanded Sam.
"Oh well I convinced dad that Im really not all that cut out for the whole moving around the galaxy and that maybe it'd be good experience to come here and train with you instead."
"Wait you mean your staying?" Yelled Sam almost flying now.
"Yep!" Laughed Snow. Nova yelled in excitement hugging her tight.
"Uh Sam who is this?" Asked Peter looking the girl over as the others and the teacher left, the door sealing itself behind him.
"Guys meet Princess Snow, she's Starlords daughter!" Snow waved to the others her golden swirling.
"She's got superpowers like us! They're really cool she can fly turn her body into gold dust and reassemble somewhere else! She controls light! and shes the greatest friend I could ever ask for." Sam gave a dreamy kinda look as he finished his green eyes two pools of love. Snow was blushing when he finished and at his last sentence and look she turned bright pink.
"Not as great as your way cooler hero then me." She mumbled embarrassed.
"No way! You are!"
"Nuhuh! You've been able-"
"I hate to interrupt but we've got an emergency get in your tubes now!" Sam was shoved into a seat by Coulson and Snow was quickly shoved into his arms. The pair didn't even have time to be embarrassed as the floor dropped out beneath them. Sam was used to it but Snow shrieked, her arms wrapping around his neck as they free fell. Sam quickly moved her so that when they hit the chair she was being cradled in his arms. They were quickly spat out at the end of a tunnel and Sam lithely jumped and landed on his feet a shocked Snow held in his arms.
"Are you alright?" He asked sweetly his voice worried and soft.
"I-I'm fine what-what was that where are we?" She demanded, he chuckled setting her down. Snow was even more surprised to find herself in her super suit and Nova in his. Her suit was skin tight like white tigers but it stopped at her neck and came down in a v showing off some cleavage. Her suit had a black strip down each side starting at her shoulder and ending at the ground, the rest was white but on her chest and back was a great big gold star in the fashion of the Christmas star.
"Wait what? How did I..."
"Relax and welcome to SHIELD head quarters aka the tricarrier!" Laughed Nova patting her on the back as he gestured around.
"Wait what!"


"How did you get here-I mean to earth-anyway?" demanded Nova as they both hovered above the enemies warehouse having raced to get there and were now ahead of the others.
"I flew." She gave him an amused look as she hovered on her back looking completely at ease.
"Oh right." He rubbed the back of his helmet hoping she couldn't see his blush.
"I heard you and dad and Spidey teamed up together a while back. Good job with the laser canon oh and then again with Titus-Titan-the leopard tiger dude." Said Snow.
"I'm surprised Rocket didn't try to blast spidey though." She laughed "he's not usually found of earthlings or new comers."
"Oh no he tried." Assured Nova. "But I intervened in time."
As though to ibnterrupt them and remind them of their situation the warehouse let off a giant puff of gas that engulfed them. It made them cough and gag yet it didn't really seem like normal smoke.
"Man I hope the others get here quick." Coughed Nova.
"I second that!" She stated as it finally cleared. "God my head feels weird now after inhaling that, gross!"
"Mine too think there was maybe something in it?" Asked Nova.
"Maybe but I don't think it was poisonous." Replied snow looking down at the factory. It was silent for a few minutes before Snow couldn't hold back the words any longer.
"You know I really missed you Sa-Nova." She stuttered remembering quickly about identities and the whole kabosh.
"I missed you too it's really not the same without you." He sighed. A small smile spread across her lips. However for some reason Sam sniffled as tears flooded his eyes. Come on what the hell was wrong with him? He never cried and never would over something like this.
"Hey," Snow looked at him worried before flying over to him. "What's wrong?" Her concerned expression really was not helping. "Nova?"
"I'm fine I swear just something in my eye." But his voice cracked giving him away.
"Hey." She looked so upset and concerned he couldn't help it he pulled her into his arms and snuggled her head into his chest.
"I missed you so much. It killed me not seeing not knowing-"
Sam didn't finish as he squeezed his eyes shut. Why was he admitting all this? And why was he being all emotional?
Snow immediately wanted to cry and she quickly clung onto him squeezing her eyes shut to stop her own tears.
"Hey I'm sorry. I never meant for-if I had known-nova I'm sorry." It was a heartfelt apology. "I didn't know that by going home to visit my mother I'd end up being gone for so long or that intergalactic mail doesn't carry letters past five dimensions. It's all my fault and I'm so sorry."
Nova squeezed her even tighter.
"Do you know how long I waited for you to come back or just to hear from you again?" He whispered "it almost killed me I thought I thought that you-"
Nova swallowed hard and his grip became painfully tight.
"I won't say there weren't close calls." Admitted Snow. "But I promised I'd come back didn't i? I made a promise and I always keep my promises!"
"Yeah you always do." Sighed Sam as he got a hold of his emotions again. "But this time promise me you won't leave like that ever again?"
"But I have to go home at some point-"
"Then promise you'll never leave me. I'll go with you just promise you'll never leave me alone again ok?" He demanded pulling away so he could stare down into her eyes.
"Sa-Nova." She swallowed staring up into his shielded eyes. "I promise I'll never leave your side ever again even if you get sick of me I'll always stay by you and should you ever need me I'll be there. I promise you this on my life."
Their gaze was steady as she promised him this until Nova crushed her in his arms again.
Another noxious cloud was wafting up towards them from the factory.
"Oh no no more of that not again!" Said Nova and using the powers of the helmet covered them in its power so that the fumes could not get through.
"You know I think I've smelled this before." Stated Snow. "It almost smells like-"
"You don't think-"
"What in the world are you two talking about-oh yeah and good job waiting up!" Snapped Spidey swinging up to land on the sky scraper windows beside them.
"Spidey cover your mouth!" Cried Nova. "Don't inhale the fumes!"
"But Fury said they weren't toxic-"
"Not toxic! Just-"
"It's too late the others are here!" Cried Nova as White tiger, iron Fist and Powerman arrived on the street below them.
"Dammit!" Snow took off flying from Novas arms. Her body dispersed into glittering good dust spreading out and absorbing the cloud.
"What-woah that's cool! But uh what's she doing exactly? She's not dead right?" Demanded Peter.
"She's fine she's just absorbing and or neutralizing the fumes-"
Sam and Peter both found themselves coughing from smoke and laying on their backs inside of the sky scraper.
"Owww." Whined Peter.
"Snow." Said Nova shaking off his pain and staggering to his feet.
"Is she ok?" Asked Peter sitting up.
A flickering of gold came in through the window and slowly the body of black and white and blonde came into being. The gold particles finally formed Snow and with a groan she staggered on her feet.
"That hurts." She grimaced and rolled her shoulders. Her neck had a nasty looking burn on it, but aside from that she looked ok.
"Are you alright?" Demanded Nova.
"Fine. Ouch that smarts. Why they're making a aphrodisiac is now quite clear. This stuff is nasty. Not only does it induce depression or heart ache as would be a better more romanticized term. But it's also extremely flammable and as you could tell from my mistake extremely volatile and likely to combust. This day can't get any worse! I mean-" she stopped and seemed to shake herself. "Oh and did I mention it affects your emotional state?"
"Greeeeat." Said Peter uneasily as he dusted the glass off his uniform. "Anything else you wanna warn us about?"
Snow looked ready to cry at his statement.
"Web head!" Snapped Nova angrily hating to see that look on her face.
"Ahhh! No wait! Don't cry! I didn't mean to upset you! I was just-it's not your fault! You did a great job! I was just upset! The fumes must have altered my attitude! You did great! Please don't cry?"
Peters panic was almost comical as he waved his arms around and tried not to put his foot even further down his throat then it already was.
Snow sniffled and whipped her face on her arm. "No sorry I'm just-damn fumes..."
Both boys relaxed, as the team burst into the room snow seemed to regain her composure.
The raid went well however doctor Octavius escaped. The mission however was to neutralize the threat of the chemicals falling into the wrong hands. So on that part of it the mission was a success. Even better was the fact that snow fit in seamlessly with the team and was able to work along side them with ease. However by the end of the mission she was clinging to Sam a giddy ball of giggles from absorbing so much of the fumes to protect the team.
"-come on Snow relax!" Nova was extremely embarrassed to have her clinging to his arm her head nuzzled into his shoulder. However being extremely emotional she looked at him with a heart broken expression near tears before staring down at the ground and letting his arm slip through her grip.
"Sorry..." She mumbled not meeting his gaze her hand rubbing her other arm.
"Great now you made her cry." Said Peter as Nova panicked.
"Shut up I didn't mean to!" He snapped at his friend before turning to Snow who was wiping her eyes.
"Hey! Hey! Please don't cry! It's ok see!"
"She's not a baby." Reminded Ava arms crossed over her chest. She knew from the moment Snow first arrived Snow had more than a family related feelings for Nova and what girl couldn't understand her heart break?
"Snow..." Said Sam hovering over her head.
"I'm fine! I'm fine!" She forced a big grin but tears were falling down her cheeks.
"Perhaps you should apologize to her." Said Danny as Ava hugged the now sobbing Snow.
"But I didn't do anything!" Protested Peter in his mock Nova voice however the bucket head ignored him flying over to Snow and gently landing on the ground before the short girl.
"Hey Snow I'm sorry. I was just embarrassed. I didn't mean to upset you I was just uncomfortable." Stared Sam feeling the guilt eating at his heart.
"I-I-didn't mean-too-m-make-" snow was stuttering through her tears. Oh boy that was a punch to the heart. Sam quickly enveloped the girl in his arms trying to comfort and fix his mistake. Plus if he kept looking into those tear filled golden eyes he might crack and start crying himself.
"No! No it's ok. Look if you want we can hold hands? Or hey how about I carry you? Would it make you smile if I carried you back to the tricarrier just like I used to when we were kids?" Snow looked surprised but she stopped sniffling.
"Come on up ya go." He said in a quiet gentle voice letting her climb onto his back piggy back style before rising off the ground and hovering as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Thank you Nova." She mumbled.
"Don't worry about it ok? Just get some rest." He urged gently surprising his team. He quickly but yet more slowly then before ascended into the sky.
"Did you guys see that?" Asked Luke "because I think my eyes are playing tricks on me."
"A non sarcastic gentle and caring Nova?" Said Spider-Man confused.
"Now I've seen everything." Stated Danny watching their friend disappear into the sky.

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