Wally West One Shot ~ Sketchpad

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Kate Uelsman
Brunette curled hair to her shoulders with simple bangs.
Bright blue colored eyes

"Love you." Kate's mother kissed her on the head. "Everything will be fine I promise I promise."
Kate clung to her mother shaking as tears poured down her face.
Moisture dripped onto her head and she clung tighter than ever to her mothers slackening hand. She couldn't speak not with the hot thick liquid coating her throat lips and face. Her body was shaking and convulsing like someone having a seizure.
"It'll be alright I promise they'll find us soon." Promised her mother again. However she was starting to bawl herself as she held her daughters mutilated body close to her chest.
"We'll get out of here I promise. You'll be fine theyll fix you up without a problem!"
Blood bubbled between Kates lips even as more of the toxic radioactive waste filled the small corner of the room where they were trying to keep away from the gooey gunk.
"Baby please please look at me everything's going to be okay. Your uncles already on his way here. You're going to be fine!" Her mothers voice cracked however as she looked down at her daughters half unseeing eyes her body controlled by pain and incapacitated from her wounds.
"You're going to be okay." Her mothers trembling hand brushed over her cheek pushing blood smeared hair from her face. She refused to look away from her child even as the level of horrible radioactive toxic goo around them rose higher. She couldn't look up for fear that her daughters eyes would mist over too as had her husbands. His mutilated and gory body laying on the otherside of the room already covered in waste as was his assistants body. The test chamber was shattered and the giant towering containers of waste punctured slowly spilling their contents everywhere.
"You're going to be alright." She just had to hold on hold on until her younger brother arrived. She knew somehow that if she could stay alive until her younger brother got there, Kate would survive this horrific event. She just had to hold on.
"I love you so much baby girl you know that? I love you Kate with all my heart so did-does your dad. I promise you'll be okay after this. Just keep your eyes on me. Okay baby girl?" Her trembling fingers tried to rub the goo mixed blood from Kates pale trembling face. "I promise."


"Again." I got up and walked forward. The sound of a boxing match drawing my attention. A figure flew high up in the Orange painted Sky.
"Kate? Kate?" I could hear a elderly female voice calling me. I patted the old bays nose before leaving the paddock, slipping between the fence bars.
"Kate!" I knew who was calling for me and so I hurried my pace a bit more as I walked past the rows and stalks of corn.
"Kate?" I heard the voice echo out again.
"Kate!" A hand seized my shoulder and I wheeled to face them. The corn stalks near us smoked and smoldered the patches of weeds beneath our feet wilted.
"It's just me." I relaxed and allowed myself a shaky sigh.
"I was looking for you." His soft expression eased my cold heart and the tiniest grin flickered over my lips. "Come on otherwise she might get worried again."
I nodded and allowed him to steer me towards the house. "So have you made your decision yet?"
He asked me as the breeze brought a nice cool reprieve from the Suns blasting heat.
I shook my head not meeting his gaze.
"I see. Well you'll need to decide soon, I'll be heading back to the cave tomorrow with the others." He reminded me. "I may not be back for a while."
I scowled as my mind was torn with indecision. Then it occurred to me. Others? I looked at him warily and he seemed to guess my look.
"They're my friends the ones I've been telling you about. It'll just be Nightwing, Wally, and Aqualad. I promise though they're all good guys." He said noticing my fidgeting well more sensing it actually seeing as he couldn't see it. "They won't hurt you Kate, I promise."
I scowled and pulled on the cuffs of my shirt trying to cover more skin a nervous habit that often ended in-*rrrrrrip!*
"You know maybe long sleeved shirts would be a bad idea for tonight." Remarked Conner looking at the piece of plaid button down I had just ripped off, severing the cuff from the sleeve. I gave him a scared and apologetic look.
"It's going to be okay I promise." He ruffled my hair before putting his arm around my shoulder and walking along this way. It was soothing and comforting I knew he'd never let anyone hurt me again.
"Kate! Conner! Oh there you two are! Conner your friends will be here any minute. Oh Kate sweet heart what happened? Are you alright you've torn the cuff right off again." Martha Kent aka my grandmother hurried down off the porch to our side. Her hands immediately checking me over for any other injuries. This was her usual way of checking to make sure I was alright. After all I couldn't tell her. "Oh dear what is this?"
I had winced as she brushed her hand over my forehead which was covered by bangs. When she carefully lifted them up she gasped.
"What on earth? Is that a horse hoof print." I shied away from her grasp waving my hands with a small ghost of a smile. This however only made her scowl at me angrily.
"Young lady you listen here! If you're hurt I wanna hear about it! Now just because you're uncle and Conner are impervious doesn't mean you need act like it to! And don't even give me the I heal faster than the average person spiel it won't work. Now you March up stairs to your room and change while I get a bandaid for that you understand me."
I nodded while Conner gave me a small frown. "You need to take a break you know, I know you love breaking in and training the horses but you need to be more careful. Next time that hoof to the head might kill you."
I pouted a bit before moving off to my room to get changed. Last thing I needed was for his friends to come and find me dressed like this.
Changing was easy as was fixing my hair. My chocolate brown curls fell around my shoulders perfectly looking as though I used curlers or an iron to create them, something I had inherited not from my mother but my fathers side the Uelsman part of me. My bangs however hung straight down into my blue eyes ones which mimicked like a mirror Granny's and Gramps eyes as well as,funnily enough, Conner and Clark's. My body was pretty curvy for a thin girl, well I wasn't thin I had lean muscle on me that stopped me from looking model thin but hey I worked with horses and out on the farm everyday. Plus my metabolism...
Not long sleeved... I knew that Granny had enough of my shirts missing cuffs because of my anxiety and fear. Perhaps something without sleeves...
Finally I could hear people talking downstairs. I decided to stick it out despite how terrifying the idea of unknown people especially boys being downstairs waiting was.
But what to wear? What was appropriate for guests but not to fancy so that I drew attention to myself?
Finally I slipped into a simple form fitted black and red plaid flannel Unbuttoned so it was like v neck with short sleeves to my elbows, so I wouldn't pull and rip them, and a pair of black denim high waisted jeans. I slid on my simple black leather flats before making sure my curls were in order again. I pondered putting on make up but settled for just a glossing over with my strawberry eos egg.
My eyelashes were already jet black long and curled as though I was wearing false lashes so I decided against mascara or eyeliner besides I was already running late.
When I finally slipped down the stairs I could hear Conner and his friends in the living room laughing. Suddenly I had double thoughts. I was just about to sneak past the living room archway and out the front door when Grams spotted me.
"Where do you think you're going? Come here let me see that forehead!" She emerged from the living room and I blushed and shifted uneasily as I felt and saw them all look at me.
I glanced towards the front door but she already had me in her grip.
"Come on let me see that forehead." She commanded I glanced nervously into the room regretfully as they all were looking at us.
"Is Kate hurt?" Clark stepped out of the group in the room and moved towards us.
"She was working with the horses again today that young stallion got her again on the forehead." I shot Conner a betrayed look before Clark was standing before me a small scowl on his lips.
"Let me see." I tensed before relenting and holding still turning my face and body toward him and the rest of the room. "Where are you hurt?"
"Her head and wait until you see it Clark it's a miracle she's alive." Said Grams with a worried sigh. "I wish you'd leave the wrangling to your grandfather or the farm hands."
I didn't look at her rather I kept my eyes on Clark's as he Very gently cupped my chin before pushing my bangs away from my face.
His eyes widened in surprise. There were hisses and a ouch from the others in the room.
"How in krypton did you get a hoof print there? And it's bleeding. How didn't it crack your skull?" He asked gently pulling at the skin. For a split second I panicked but faster than a speeding bullet I relaxed and moved back into his hold. Uncle Clark or Clark as he liked me to call him wouldn't hurt me on purpose. However that didn't stop more than one pair of eyes in the room widening as they felt a ripple of heat roll off me and my body blur for all but one set of green eyes who watched my lightning fast movement with surprise.
"That looks like it needs stitches." Said a boy with what looked like bleached hair.
"Maybe we should take her to a hospital." Admitted A black haired young man with black shades over his eyes.
I panicked again and before anyone could see I was hiding behind Gram.
"No ones taking you to the hospital. It's alright." signed Grams gently attempting to pull me out from behind her.
"Uh what just happened?" Asked the red headed boy staring at me as Grams coaxed me out from behind her and over to the dinning room table.
"Did you listen at all on our way here?" Asked the brunette.
"Not really-"
"That is Conners cousin...sister...niece-relative person." The brunette seemed to be having trouble explaining. So the boy with bleached hair and a smooth voice took over.
"She's the one Conner told you about. Kate, has super powers like us we'll sort of."
"Oh right the girl whose parents-" i jerked under Grams hands and Conner smacked the boy.
"Sorry Uh..." He looked at me with apologetic green eyes but I looked away the kindness in them the pity I didn't want it. I grimaced and gritted my teeth as Grams dabbed at the cut with alcohol and then a numbing solution. She waited until I stopped jittering around before beginning with the stitches. Luckily for me she was fast with it and it didn't hurt. A ding from the kitchen told me dinner was ready.
"I'll get it." Then to my astonishment the green eyed boy was gone and then back in a flash. I stared at him my body not even having the time to stiffen as he had the plates, food, drinks and everything set up on the table before gram had finished putting away her first aid kit. Everyone was seated almost immediately with the strange green eyed boy making himself at home on my one side and Conner on the left. I had stolen the seat at the head of the table where gram usually sat seeing as I didn't want to be wedged between two strangers but she didn't mind as she sat at one end her hand in gramps.
"Oh I almost forgot Kate this is Aqualad aka Kaldur." Introduced Clark motioning to the bleached boy.
"Hi." I nodded shyly in his direction.
"Nightwing." I looked at the boy with shades. He made me nervous while his smile exuded kindness and confidence his glasses were a dark mystery and it made me wary of what was behind them, what was he Hiding?
"And then last but not least Wally West aka Kid Flash." My head jerked towards the green eyed boy beside me as he flashed me a bright toothy smile.
"It's nice to finally meet you Kate, Conners mysterious little sister slash niece. Speaking of which, which one is it because he's not sure when I asked. Oh and may I say that he also left out the fact that you were very very beautiful."
Conner threw him a warning look as Nightwing elbowed him under the table while Grams and gramps gave uneasy smiles watching me.
"Kates not Uh comfortable with men just yet Wally she-" i sped from the room at full speed up to my bedroom. My trembling hands grabbed onto my desk and thanks to my hearing I knew downstairs Conner and the family had sighed. "-still upset from what happened. Im sorry Wally I know you meant well she just doesn't deal well with people after everything that happened at the la-" but I didn't hear the rest of his words as I raced downstairs. More than one person blinked in surprise as my gust of wind raced past the living room causing the paper napkins to fly about as I dashed into the kitchen. I quickly scrambled through the drawers in the kitchen making quite a series of loud noises and crashes even gasping in pain for a brief second as I cut my thumb a tiny bit on a knife.
"Oh great."
"I'll go see if she's okay-" but before grams could get up the napkins flew in the air again.
Wally was staring at me as I was perched on my seat my legs drawn up to my chest my feet on my chair as I sat my hands clenched on the objects I had been searching for.
Before anyone could ask however I had finished. I lifted the pad of paper up off my knees and turned it towards Wally.
"1.) Hi it's nice to meet you. 2.) both? 3.) thank you, I like your eyes"
Everyone stared at me astonished as I held the paper sketch pad up in front of my face so only eyes showed above it.
Finally Wally burst into laughter before smiling at me again.
"Thanks Kate hey you're pretty fast."
I gave him a shy smile before scribbling on the next page with nervous trembling hands.
"Hello Conners friends it's nice to meet you guys. Sorry for being weird Im not good at this stuff. But I hope you'll like the food." Read Conner aloud before relaxing and grinning softly.
"It's been a little while since you've Uh written what you wanted to say. Why the change dear?" Asked Grams. My smile faded and i bit my lip.
"That's not important right now. Let's just enjoy this wonderful food in honor of our guests okay darling?" Asked Gramps catching my uneasy expression and the way my hands had begun pulling at the table cloth.
I hurriedly wrote down a note again and showed it to Wally.
"How fast are you?" This made everyone laugh and I felt a little embarrassed but Wally just grinned.
"Why don't I show you Kate WANNA see something cool?" Asked Wally with a grin.
An idea popped in my head and before anyone could stop me I leaned as far forward as I could and snatched it up before retreating fast as light to my seat the bowl in hand.
"This isn't going to end well." Sighed Clark but he was grinning.
I could hear Aqualad murmur to Conner.
"She seems to be doing much better than you had previously assumed or maybe it's..."
But I was to busy concentrating on Wally. The minute he looked away to grab a dish I threw it. Everyone looked up to find Wally turned towards me his hand outstretched the hot crescent roll held aloft.
"Thanks babe." My eyes widened slightly and I blushed hiding behind my sketch pad in embarrassment. I couldn't help it I kept watching him even after gram scolded me to get my feet off the chair and eat. For some reason I couldn't feel nervous or afraid of even tense around him. I felt none of my usual anxiety with him than I normally did. However throughout dinner I kept testing his speed. Sometimes what I did went unoticed by the others. Things like rolling the salt shaker at high speed off the edge went unoticed. But Wally always caught them. He didn't meet my eyes everytime or even pause in his eating but a smirking grin always tugged at his features whenever I warily tested his reflexes. However my not so conspicuous testing was drawn to an end as I threw a piece of turkey at Wally which he caught in his mouth.
"Kate if you throw one more thing I swear you won't get any desert-and you'll be banned from entering the barn and paddock!" My grandmother said the first part my grandfather the second making Conner and Clark chuckle while i sheepishly put down the piece of asparagus I was about to test him with.
"Barn and paddock why ban her from there?" Asked Nightwing.
"Kates our horse wrangler." Explained Gramps grinning.
"Our very own horse whisperer." Chuckled Clark as he glanced at me. "She takes in horses and breaks them in, trains them for people, she's great at it."
"She's also the best rider this side of the equator." Said Gramps proudly. All the praise made me happy but embarrassed.
"Yeah but also the most accident prone." Grumbled Conner. I lightly kicked him under the table. It'd hurt me more than its hurt him.
"Wow that sounds pretty cool. A real life cowgirl HUH?" I shifted uncomfortably under everyones gaze.
I quickly scribbled on my sketch pad again before showing everyone as a roll hung out of my mouth due to my lack of hands.
"I just love horses." Read Wally aloud before chuckling.
Dinner went by pretty smoothly before we were invited into the living room for dessert. I was sitting on the recliner curled up my feet propped up on the side arm as I faced the others sketch pad in hand. Wally West seemed to just draw my eyes. I quickly began to sketch taking down the scene before me taking special attention to his face and the way his eyes glittered while he smiled.
"That's pretty good." Luckily I had noticed him getting up and switched pages just in time to the sketch I had finished earlier of everyone in the living room talking and laughing. While flipping the page I had simultaneously pressed my back deep into the recliner so he wasn't behind me in my vulnerable unguarded spot.
I nodded at his compliment.
"Have you ever shown anyone these? They're beautiful!"
I nodded and pointed at Conner than Clark.
"Well you should be proud this looks almost like a photograph it's so good." I blushed at his compliment before moving where I was sitting so that I could better see him. He was about to open his mouth when a horrible high pitched noise echoed across the farm outside. I bristled as did Gramps.
"What was that?" Demanded Nigbtwing. The noise echoed out again and I gasped before darting up.

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