Chapter 49- Dead End

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I was expecting to feel a bullet go straight through my head. 

But it didn't. I was still alive. Somehow. 

I glanced towards the five cars that stood silently behind us, effectively mocking the wreckage of a vehicle we were currently cowering withing. I scowled. I wasn't powerless like I was in The Fields of Ahaz or in Carmen's past: I would not die shuddering in a corner. 

I opened the door and stepped out. After a pause and the sound of shuffling within the car, Darcy and Dev stood with me, facing our enemies with the book of their desires tightly grasped in Robbins' arms. 

We waited for a moment until men started to spill out of the black SUV's, some equipped with massive army guns, some empty handed. The ones without weapons were lower level demons, their red eyes glinting against the cloudy sky as the gloom overcame light and warmth. I recognised almost all of them. I'd worked with most at least once before. The humans, on the other hand, didn't look familiar to me. But I wasn't surprised. In the demonic world, they were as disposable as goldfish and new ones popped up all the time to do Hell's bidding. 

The last men to get out were in the centre car, and I raised my eyebrows in slight surprise as Rex and a few of his cronies came to greet us. I expected him to be punished for losing Carmen and I at her apartment, but clearly Satan hadn't cared or maybe he'd done something to redeem himself. Either way his arrogant face and that stupid smirk made my blood boil. 

"Good afternoon, Master," he said, approaching us with an exaggerated bow. 

I scowled at him. "What are you on about?" 

His smile broadened into a grin. "I wasn't talking to you." 

I was just about to make a snarky retort when Dev's shoulder brushed against mine. I turned to look at him and I watched in silent astonishment as he took one final glance at us, before walking over to the enemy. My insides began to burn with an ice cold pain as I started to realise what was really going on here. 

"Dev," I said after a moment, trying to keep the hurt from out of my voice. "What have you done?" 

Was this really what it appeared to be? Had my closest demonic friend stabbed me in the back after everything we'd been through together? 

He let out a booming laugh, throwing his head back as the thought of his betrayal pierced me deep inside. "Do you really think your arse-licking assistant was smart enough to pull all of this off?"

"Well my arse-licking assistant is the only person I see in front of me," I retorted, confused but mostly angry. I trusted this man. I'd saved his life. And this is how he repays me. 

He nodded. "Gents, do you think it's time to show my real appearance?" 

The crowd behind him chanted a chorused yes and he gave me a smirk, before extending his arm out and clicking his fingers twice. 

Robbins let out a shocked gasp. I just stared, uncomprehending, focusing on the sight before me so that I could try and believe what I was seeing. But my eyes didn't lie. Dev wasn't standing in front of me anymore. 

"Maximus?" He nodded at me with a satisfied grin. "But how...?"

It was definitely him. You couldn't mistake him from a mile away: that massive build, the distinctive shaved head, those beastly beetle eyes. He was here in the flesh. But Dev wasn't. 

What the hell? 

He looked around at his minions, particularly towards the Hunter Demons who were beaming at his entrance. The other lower level demons weren't bothered about his sudden appearance. They were much more focused on the book Robbins was clutching in her hands, fear and desire corrupting their scarlet eyes. It seemed that Maximus still wasn't as popular as he would've liked to have been. 

The Desire of a HybridOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora