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R:" Anyway where is Tomi? Remember that cute little girl... Also known as my best friend.."

T:"I'm here"

I turned around and see this boy.

R:" What?"

H:" Eh... Rumi.. I think that's the Tomi you are talking about"

T:" If you're wondering, I always have been a boy."


H:"Rumi...Did you.."

J:" Don't tell us.. You thought he was a girl until now."

R:" I-I did..."

T:" Well now you know" he said winking.


T:"I can't believ you thought I was a girl .. All the time... I'm a bit hurt.." he said smirking.

R:" I-I'm sorry"

T:" I think you need some punishment."

R:" W-What!?"

He walked up to me and grabbed my shoulders.

Aoi (a.k.a. Jake) pushed him aside.


T:" Whoa relax I was joking."

D:" We gotta hurry to the field trip class reunion."

We fast hurried to the school grounds


I'm very sorry it have been very little about Aoi Shouta but I promise from now on it will be more about him!

I'll try upload more often too :3

The secret of Aoi shoutaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang