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As soon as I woke up we arrived in Japan. So after the whole airport drama I arrived at the campus of the school. Suddenly the same girl from the plane came running to me.

"Saruma-chan!!!!" She said.

"Yes what's wrong... What was your name again?" I said as I rubbed the back of my head.

"Saruma-chan ...Seems you have to get your own food !" She said to me.

" ow.. Okay I'll get my food then. See you later Mono chan." I said as I waved and turned around to go to the shop.

As I saw the shop and wanted to run towards it, but suddenly a car drove very fast and bumped into me.

"Awwwww!!!!!!!" I screamed as I almost fly over the car, but it happen to be a limousine with a roof window which was open so I fell in on top this Japanese boy.

"Are you okay?!" He said shocked.

I looked up and started blushing while I still had tears of pain.

"What is your name ?" He asked.

"Eh...I don't remember" I said.

"You don't?! To the hospital !!" he said worried.

As he said that the limousine driver drove very fast to the hospital and opened the door. The boy lift me up in bridal style and brought me into the hospital.

The doctor told him to check my pockets for a wallet/purse. So he did and he found a phone and a wallet. Which had a ID-cart in it.

"Saruma no... Ryoshi?! What?!" He said surprised.

The docter asked if the name sound familiar and I nod, because it did.

" Does the name smallblue1108 sound familiar to you?" The boy asked.

"Yes why?" I asked.

Suddenly he hugged me and said.

"Rumi!!! Never thought I would meet you in real life !!" He said excited.

The doctor gave me a small clap and I widen my eyes. "Are you ...." I said.

"I'm Jake yes.." He said very happy.

"No .. You can't be.." I said surprised plus confused.

"My online name is Jake also smallblue1108, but in real I'm Aoi Shouta a singer of Japan" he said.

"So I made it" I said while smiling brightly.

"Made it ?" He said as he help me up and thanked the doctor.

We walk out and continued chatting until we were at the limousine.

"I'm so happy to meet you" I said as I smiled.

" Same for you Rumi I'll talk to you later for sure" he said as he step into the limousine and the limousine drove away. I waved until they were gone and went home.

As soon as I arrived Mono-chan came to run to me again.

"Saruma chan you are okay!! I started to get worried" she said.

"I'm sorry a car bumped into me.." I said with a low voice.

"WHAT?! Are you okay?!" Mono said.

"Yeah I'm fine Aoi Shouta brought me to the hospital to check, but I forgot to get food.." I said.

"A-A-Aoi Shouta ?!" She shout.

"Yes?" I said nonchalantly.

"He is like my favorite singer !!" She fangirled.

" I never heard of him all thought he was my chat buddy without me knowing" I said with a strange face.

As we walked inside she told me everything about him. I was glad she did, because I thought I knew him but I didn't....


I'm sorry it took so long to update, but I was on vacation.

Hope you enjoy my story

Xxx Rumi ^^

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