Aoi, what's going on?

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As I waved everyone goodbye I left the school grounds looking for Aoi.. No where to be seen.
I called his cell about 20 times now.. Is he angry? What did I do? As I got home my phone rings. In all enthusiasm I pick up and say: " AOI?!". On the otherside I hear a calm womans voice:" I'm sorry Rumi I'm just his manager. Sorry to disappoint you. Didn't Aoi tell you I'd call you later today?". "No he didn't ".
"Weird, anyway can you come by tomorrow?"
Me:" sure?". "Great! See you tomorrow" she said as she hung up.

In the next morning I woke up on the ground. Ow.. My back.. It hurts..I get up and ready to meet the manager of Aoi perhaps she knows what's wrong with him. As I arrive on the place to meet I see the manager waiting for me impatiently. We get inside and hands me a coffee.

M (manager):" Rumi I have no idea why Aoi haven't told you about this but you have to try harder!"
R:" try harder?"
M:" yes!! You have to try harder to make his fans like you! Or your relationship will be over!"
R:" You can't do that! I love him!"
M:" yes I can, Aoi signed a contract which says no girlfriends unless it lures people!"
R:" W-what can I do to lure fans..?"
M:" now we're talking" she said as she smirked.


Sorry for the long wait and short chapter >~<
I'm quite busy trying to continue xx

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