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I woke up at 7:45. I'm so tired ....

Now after one hour and a quarter I'm starting to wake up.. Wait... I've met him again?! H-How the heck did he came to the name Jake ...? I can keep on asking myself... Soooo many questions.. But... He is a famous singer..

I slowly get to my classroom and as I sit down as I stare out of the window.

Aoi Shouta.... Jake...

Even without me noticing the school bell rings. I'm still staring out the window as a i see Jake.
I ran out and he see me. 

J: "Rumi ! I wan to show you something!" He said with a big smile.
R; "O-Okay.." I said as I followed.

 After two hours driving in the car we arrived and he said: "Close your eyes" so I did.
We got out of the car and he told me to open my eyes. So I did as told.
As I opened my eyes I regonized the place.

After ten years ... this place...and all my old friends were there....

J: "Remember ten years ago we made a promise  .. When we're grown up I would marry you... at this place.. on this playground.." He said with a blushing face and rubbed the back of his head. 

J:" I have to do something I'll be right back"

I turn around and see this shopping's all still the same...The flower shop on the right the cand shop next to it and then the clothes shop old Japanese style on the other side....

R: "'s been so long since i was here last time..." It have been ten years...
     "What should I do first?" I'll go to the flowershop first.
This flowershop is packed... Some other people order some flowers like roses and a nother one daisies and again another one tulips... I cant even look at them like this.. 

Florist: "I'm very sorry everyone. One at the time please."

Poor guy ... It's so busy here.. he cant even get to the roses.. he must work here.. kinda cute...
Florist(F): "Hello welcome to my florist shop...Huh...." He stares at me...why...?
             "Have we met before?"
         R: "What?" It's not like I know anyone here....
         R: "I think you confuse me with someone else..."
         F:  "Really? I'm pretty sure we've met before..."
A girl:  "HEY! I was first!! If you want to talk to Hiro, get in the line!!!"
        R: "N-no I'm sorry I'll go..." I said as I got out of the shop.
        F: "WAIT!" But I was already gone.

R: "Just got out of there in time...." I don't regonize this shop... I walk in ... ah it's an patissier.. It smells good so good...There's no one in here....
R: "Excuse me someone here?!" no one....and I walk out.

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