Chapter 16: We're Being Robbed

Start from the beginning

Annabeth and May blinked at Percy, their mouths open slightly in disbelief, before they both started howling with laughter, leaning on each other with support. "Did he really say that?" Annabeth giggled, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye. "Percy, you fucking idiot."

"I'm being insulted in my own home," Percy grumbled before reaching in one of the bags for a container of rainbow sprinkles. He proceeded to dump nearly half of it in the tub of ice cream.

"What if I wanted to eat that?" Dean pointed at the dessert.

Percy squinted at him, "Don't act like you hate sprinkles, Winnie. I'd hate to call you a liar."

Dean blinked at him before stabbing the spoon he was using to eat his pie into the ice cream tub. "Shut your mouth."

Sam watched his brother interact with the black-haired man, a warm feeling in his chest. It had always been just him and Dean, and Sam was worried that his brother wouldn't open himself up to other people after Sam left. He was glad to know he was wrong and that his brother's best friend was just as protective as Sam was. Percy was willing to go against  John just for Dean, something his brother and himself were never really able to do. Sam tried but, as anyone could tell, he went right back to listening to his father.

"Hey, put away the groceries," Percy swatted at Sam, capping his ice cream tub before Dean could swipe more. He accepted a beer from May, snapping it open before taking a gulp from it. His face went blank as his taste buds mulled over if they liked the taste of alcohol, sprinkles, and chocolate. Finally, he just shrugged and continued nursing his beer, swishing it around his mouth a bit before swallowing.

"Yeah, yeah," Sam pulled the groceries out, dividing them in categories to make it easier for himself to put away.

"Yo, Perce," May called, looking up from her phone. "Aph says she can do your hair later today if you're free."

Percy made a face, "Is she asking if I'm free or telling me I'm free?"

May grinned, "Telling but I thought it'd be better the other way. Anyways, y'all coming to Boss' birthday next week?"

"Next week?" Dean nearly choked on a bite of his pie. "I didn't get him anything!"

Percy sighed dramatically, "Oh, you poor soul. Boss'll hate you forever. Not to fear, you can sign the birthday card I'm giving him and we'll go halfsies on the gift.

"You're the best."

"Am I still your number one or are you replacing me with your "new best friend?""

Dean pointed at him with his fork, "You're my number one but Reginald will always hold a place in my heart."

Percy looked over at Sam, "Do you see what I have to deal with?"

Sam laughed at their antics, finishing putting away the groceries. "Y'all want me to cook lunch?"

"No!" Dean shook his head, eyes wide. "I'd rather have Percy cook."

Said man blinked owlishly for a moment before turning to the youngest Winchester, "Wow, you must really suck at cooking."

Sam pouted, "Hey, I'm in college, give me a break."

"Speaking of college," Annabeth spoke up, gesturing with her beer as she spoke. "I spoke with one of the reps at Stanford. They're willing on letting him take some of his Gen Eds online and count his absence as a family emergency"

Sam gaped at her, "How'd you manage that?"

"I have my ways," She intoned ominously before snorting and chugging the rest of her drink. "Perce, when are you going to start your classes?"

Percy looked up from where he was trying to get Dean to let him have some pie, "I'm only going to college if Dean goes to college."

Dean sputtered a bit, "Why do I have to go to college? I hate learning!"

May and Percy looked away, making an 'oo' noise as Annabeth bristled, "Learning is important! If you at least have a general associates, you can apply for good jobs! It's always good to have a fallback in case things don't work out for you now."

"...Something tells me I'm going to college whether I like it or not," Dean said, squinting at her like Percy did.

"Good to know you understand what's happening here," Annabeth smiled sunnily, putting a hand on her hips.

Percy leaned over to whisper to Dean, "Would you believe me if I said I used to date her?"

"You what?!"


Holy crap, I actually updated the same book in the same week! Go me! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Word: 1,278

Video: THE FRIENDSHIP BREAKER | Monopoly - Markiplier

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