Girl Meets Pregnancy

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Matthews/Friar Residence: Bathroom

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Matthews/Friar Residence: Bathroom

For weeks on end, Olivia and Shane had been trying for a baby. The two of them had baby fever and that's why Olivia currently stood in the bathroom taking a pregnancy test while he was at work. She hadn't even told him that she was taking another one because when they had their hopes up, she never was pregnant.

"Are you nervous?" Ashley asked from the phone screen.

Olivia was too nervous to take the test on her own, so she called Ashley.

"So nervous." Olivia frowned, looking down at the timer that showed she only had two minutes left. "I'm more nervous about it being negative then it coming out positive."

"What you really should be worried about is telling everyone that your pregnant." Hunter popped up on the screen with a mouth full of pizza.

"Shut up, Hunter!" Ashley hit her boyfriend just as the timer went off, "Oh! What's it say?"

Olivia bit her lip as she looked down at the stick she had previously peed on moments ago, "Well.."

"Oh, Liv, I'm so-,"

Olivia cut the boy off, "I'm pregnant!"

The two girls let out squeals as they grinned happily at one another.

"Oh my gosh!" Ashley was grinning from ear to ear. "I really wish I could hug you right now!"

"I'm so happy for you and Shane, Liv." Hunter smiled at one of his best friends, "You know, I hear Hunter is a good name for a boy."

"Not naming my kid after you." Olivia laughed.

"So, how are you gonna tell Shane?"

"I'm just gonna tell him later when he gets home." Olivia smiled, "I'll call you later, Ash."

"Okay. Love you!"

"I love you, too!"


Matthews/Friar Residence: Living Room

"Hey, beautiful." Shane walked into the house and kissing the top of Olivia's head.

"Hey, sit down." Olivia jumped off of the couch and pulled Shane to sit, "I got you something!"

"Olivia, if it's a pet-,"

"It's not." She came back and handed him a wooden box. "I just thought you'd want something special." She shrugged.

"What it is?

"You gotta open it." She chuckled, sitting back down in her spot.

Shane pulled the latch to the box up before opening it to revile the pink baby onzie, the two pacifier's and the positive pregnancy test.

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