Girl Meets Friendship

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Matthews Residence: Kitchen

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Matthews Residence: Kitchen

"Aunt Olivia, will you come to the school today?" Riley looked over at her Aunt, who had her face in her phone, a wide grin on her face.

"Olivia." Cory spoke.

"What?" She looked up from the device, "Oh, huh? What was your question?"

"I asked if you would come to the school with us." Riley said.

"Yeah, sure." Olivia nodded her head.

The high school had been evacuated for a few day because someone decided that it would've been funny to make the hallways and classrooms one giant ball pit.

It defiantly wasn't Olivia and Thor.

"Who are you even texting?" Topanga asked.

Olivia was quick to reply, "Shane. Him and Lucas are on their way back from Texas."

"You really like this boy don't you?" Topanga asked her sister-in-law with a smile.

"Yeah. But I don't think he feels the same way." Olivia frowned, looking down at her bowl.

"After the kiss that Maya and I witnessed," Riley said to her aunt, causing the older teen to look at her with a glare, "I'd say he felt the same way."

"You kissed?!" Cory shouted.

"Oh, look at the time." Olivia stood up, "Come on, Riley, let's meet Maya at my car. I'll drive today."


John Quincy Adams Middle School: Cory's Classroom

"Democracy." Cory started his lesson, glaring at his younger sister, "Our form of government where the power lies with the people. So who here can tell me another form of government where the power doesn't lie with the people?"

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