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After, a few more glasses of wine at the dining table with Randy, we realized that the night is getting colder and the rain has stopped.

" Hey, well I am normally a beer guy, but after trying this wine I can say I am a fan."

" Well, welcome to the club!" I say laughing at my own joke while he just looks at me in a seductive way. " What?"

" Nothing, but I should be heading back. It's almost midnight." He says getting out the chair, as he struggles to get his feet on the ground.

By nature, I grab his hand trying to stop him. " No! Randy your drunk, sending you out is like purposely trying to hurt someone. Just stay here, we have a penalty of guest rooms. Plus I would feel very good to know a man presents is in the house."

" Fine, only for you Nikki."
I wake up the next morning with a hangover and a little remembrance of last night. " Ugh!" I moan trying to obtain the light that blinds me. I make my way downstairs to smell breakfast being made. I turn the corner to see Randy making eggs, as he tries to figure out how to make pancakes. " Need any help?"

He gets startle and jumps to my question. " You scared the shit out of me!"

" Sorry, but the offer still stand. Do you need any help?"

" Yea, why not?" He says scooting over letting me take the reigns. After making the pancake we sit down and enjoy it together. " These taste amazing!" Randy says trying the west of the pancake. "

" Thanks, it's my grandpa recipe."

" Tell him it's amazing."

" Oh.. he passed away years ago."

" Oh I'm sorry Nikki."

" Don't be."

" Well, actually I have to get going. I have to hit the road soon, but when are you returning?"

" I don't know, when ever they need me."

" Alright."

" Well let me walk you to the door." I say following up behind him, as he put his shoes on.

" Thanks for having me over."

" Yea, no-"  but before I can finish my sentence his lips press on to mine like leaches.

Out of the ring: Miniseries: Randy and Nikki ( completed)Where stories live. Discover now