05 - a first day

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C'mon, not now! 

Evangeline groaned. Please let it not be true, she wished as she padded like a cavewoman toward her bathroom. 

God, why does it have to be so far away?

At the ungodly hour of 5 in the morning, Evangeline found herself in a very undesirable situation:

It was that time of the month.

She audibly groaned as she saw the sight of red staining her underwear. And as she changed to a new pair, she could already feel the start of a cramp forming. A deep, tightening feeling bloomed inside her chest. 

It's way too early for this, Evangeline thought blearily, her morning drowsiness still floating like a curtain over her mind.

She had gone to bed at around midnight, which meant she only had about 5 hours of sleep. This amount was completely manageable, but without her morning coffee, Evangeline could only call describe her appearance as a little more than a trainwreck.

She bumped her toe harshly against the corner of a wall as she turned back to her room. Slightly limping, Evangeline held back her urge to scream out not only in pain, but in how unlucky she was.

Today? Out of all days, I had to get my period on the first day of school? Oh, how wonderful!

Luckily, as Evangeline glanced at her bedside clock, she had about two hours left before she really had to get up. She doubted she could fall asleep as the tightening sensation that had settled in her chest grew more obvious. With one hand on her stomach, Evangeline closed her eyes as she tried to drift off to sleep.

6:07 AM

Evangeline groaned as she saw the time, illuminating her face (that was quite obviously in pain) in the darkness of her room. She had closed her blinds earlier, feeling that light would only keep her from falling asleep.

I can't fall asleep, Evangeline despaired. Why can't I fall asleep? 

Now, she only had about one hour left. She was going to be one hell of a grump in the morning. Evangeline hoped her parents would understand. 

...And the entire student body.

Whether they would notice or not, that is the question, Evangeline added grimly.

And again, she rolled over to her side, trying to get comfortable. Her cramps were only getting worse, but Evangeline didn't want to disturb the sleeping house by going down for some pain medicine.

Evangeline decided that she would bear it. However long it lasted.

7:00 AM

Beep, beep, beep! Beeeeep!

Evangeline slammed her hand down to turn her alarm off. She was already awake. 

As it turned out, she wasn't able to fall back to sleep. And now, with only 5 hours of sleep, Evangeline was not in the mood.

Her hair was disheveled. Her stomach was tearing her apart. She was pretty sure she had eye crusts and a new pimple on her chin.

Evangeline rubbed her eyes and slumped off the bed. Her bathroom lights shocked her into consciousness as she trudged through her morning routine. 

With hair tied up and a gel mask drying on her face, Evangeline went to her closet to find her pre-picked outfit for the first day of school. Good thing I decided this last night.

The night before, she had spent approximately one hour considering what to wear. Despite half of the population preaching that one's first day of school outfit was one of the most important things ever and the other half downplaying it and truthfully, not giving a shit, Evangeline considered herself in the middle.

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