03 - a test and a text

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Evangeline watched in amazement as the guy—right, Cole—poured the milk, making a perfect sequence of swirls in the latte.

Just like Ava said, he was damn good at what he does.

"That's the last step. Sometimes, customers will ask you to make a specific design, but if not, this is gonna be your go-to. Got all that?"

"Huh?" Evangeline blinked. "Oh yeah, yeah. Just do the tilty thing...the pour-y thing... and you got your next Van Gogh."

Cole didn't seem too pleased with her joke. He handed her an empty cup. "Now, it's your turn."

Evangeline grasped it. Right... Let's give it a go.

A few minor spills later, Evangeline handed Cole what seemed like her best coffee yet. Thankfully the latte art looks semi-decent, she thought. Now all that's left is the taste.

Cole examined the drink. She couldn't gauge his reaction. This guy is so unreadable. Then he took a small sip. He didn't swallow it yet, feeling out the taste in his mouth.

The suspense is killing me. God, he's just like Ava.

"Huh. Not bad."


Despite his lack of words, it was approval to her ears nonetheless. "And that's it? That's the last drink?" she asked, hopeful. Note to self: Stretch out arms when you get home

"That's it. That's all I can teach you. Everything else that comes after is from experience. Ava should be arriving soon, so I'll leave you to her. It's time for me to get back to work." He took the drink with him, heading back to his register.

Right, work. Evangeline was so focused on her training that her ears had tuned out the crowd's commotion. And so, with the abrupt ending, she began to hear all the noise again.

Chatting. Glass clinking. Calling. Tapping. Yelling. 

A rush of anxiety filled her, but she quickly tried to push it down. Now was not the time.

Despite the crowd, she managed to make out a redhead bobbing through it. Here comes Ava. Evangeline squared her shoulders. Ava finally reached her register, displaying a knowing smile. That was her cue.

"Hey, what can I get you?"

"Hiiii," Ava said sweetly, looking at the menu above in mock interest. "Can I just get a...flat white?"

"Sure, to-go?" Evangeline recited, remembering what Cole told her.

"Nah, I'm staying. A cup is fine."

"That'll be $4.99."

Ava wordlessly handed a credit card. The next test, Evangeline observed. Her mind circled back to when Cole was teaching her how to use the register.

"Okay, to go to the checkout page, you have to tap the blue button," he instructed.

"Where... Oh, this one?" she tapped the left square. The screen changed, showing a page with weird symbols.

"That's...not it. You were supposed to tap the blue one. Click the back button."

She went back. "Wha— They're both blue!"

"Are you blind?" Cole admonished.  "This one's green!" He pointed to the left button.

Evangeline took a second look, realizing her mistake. "Oh shoot, you're right."

Cole didn't say anything to that, only brushed his hair back. Perhaps in slight frustration.

Well now, she knew. Evangeline took the card, then systematically tapped through numerous buttons. Although she was a little less efficient than Cole, she managed to get through the whole process. Watching the machine spurt out a receipt, she gave herself a pat on the back. Look at me now, Cole.

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