02 - a sudden surprise

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I'm... alive?

Her heart was pounding. Well, that was a good sign.

But I almost wasn't. 

Oh God.

That was the SCARIEST thing I've ever done.

"Uh...yeah. Why?"

A voice interrupted Evangeline's thoughts. An answer to her question. It was then that she realized her position. 

Underneath Evangeline laid a seemingly flustered (and increasingly distraught) boy that couldn't be much older than her. His eyes were slightly shaking now, switching from her eyes to where their bodies touched, then flickering back up again.

Evangeline opened and closed her mouth, speechless. She willed herself to reply. Just say anything. Anything at all! She racked her brain for any memory of 'How to Conversate 101.'

"I'm wet."

No, not that! 

She cringed internally. Yes, it was still pouring. And yes, talking about something related to the weather seemed like a good conversation starter. But why did she have to go as far as to say something meaning the furthest from an innocent conversation?

He spoke, now awkwardly. "Um... alright. Could you, uh, get off me now?"

It was then that Evangeline realized she was supporting herself up with two hands on his chest. She gave a nervous chuckle, "Ah, r-right. Sorry!"

Her heart was still beating fast, but thankfully not as fast as before. However, her remaining adrenaline from her earlier stunt caused her to use an unnecessarily large amount of force to push off, resulting in her falling backwards and landing right on her butt.

The sight was almost comical. Someone must be laughing at me right now, Evangeline thought grimly.

Fortunately, she was no longer suffocating someone to death. The boy got up slowly, fixing his shirt which was now drenched from the rain. 

Great, now I've made him wet.


Evangeline really needed to stop thinking. 

She stood up, pushing her hair away from her face as she surveyed her surroundings. As luck would have it, a black umbrella laid alone on the ground, just a few feet away. Jogging over, she snatched it and made her way over to the boy.

"Here, uh, have this. This was just lying nearby. Lucky us, eh?" she grinned, catching her breath.

"Uh, that's my umbrella."

Oh shit! Did she really try to offer him something that was his? Abruptly, Evangeline thrust the handle into his hand. "Shoot, sorry! I didn't know."

He looked her over, silent, then grasped the offered umbrella. His eyes looked past her, and she turned around.

Dozens of pairs of eyes stared back at them, unblinking. A toddler dropped her doll. Murmurs. Whispers. Pointing.

Well, it isn't like we're some exotic animals, Evangeline thought, scoffing slightly.

Raindrops spattered over their heads. The boy adjusted their umbrella, then spoke again. "We should get inside. You can tell me about how you got here over a cup of coffee, or something." Sweeping his hand through his black locks, he started for the door.

How I got here..., she thought, processing.

Oh, right. The job!

Evangeline's footsteps quickened, striving to stay under his umbrella. 

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