Neon Lights

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~Last Chapter~

...Sabrina and Will's Love Story...

Sabrina's POV

I practiced putting makeup on when the door to the bathroom opened and I messed up.

"Looking good." Will said. What? How did he even get in here.

"Yea. Well, I try my best." I smiled at him and he laughed.

"Want one ?" He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and offered me one.

"Oh my gosh Will that's gross. Since when did you smoke?" He automatically turned me off.

"I thought girls liked the whole Augustus vibe so I tried to be him. I'm obviously not gonna smoke these."

"I like you for your attempt." I said, chuckling.

"I like you." Will said.

"Look Will... I can't have a relationship right now." I admitted. I'm on a kick start with my career and I don't really have time for a boyfriend now. I still haven't seen my family this whole summer.

Will leaned in and kissed me. "You aren't gonna stop me from trying."

...Brenda and Cole's Love Story...

Cole's POV

I texted Brenda a lot ever since I got her number. We also did or did not go on a date.

Will left IM5 and I know this is the last chapter but I'm not even sure how I'n going to write it so I'll just let you know what it was suppose to be about.

Happy Holidays! We'll miss you being in IM5, Will.

The boys get tickets to Neon Lights and they see Sabbi on stage. Her parents end up moving to Cali so he can pursue her career so she can also date Will.

Brenda and Sarah go back home but because Vegas isn't far from Cali, thy visit alot. Sarah dates Dana and Brenda dates Cole.

Basically everything works out for them in the end.

Thanks for reading my stories guys! They end terribly, all the time.

I may get rid of wattpad because some of you are really rude and I'm not dealing with it. Well, thank you for reading this book! I'm having some new ones in 2015!! Go read The Good, The Bad, and The Beautiful xoxo

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