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"How did the interview go?" Brenda asked Sabbi as she walked out of the office. From the looks of it, she had amazing news.

"They want me to open up." She squealed.

"Open up? Like a box?" Brenda asked quizzically. She was obviously confused.

"No. Open up for Demi Lovato." I said crossing my arms. Sometimes I swear my sister is the dumbest person I know.

Sabbi started squealing and seemed overly excited. "This is so amazing!" She said excitedly.

"Yeah. Well at least you have good news." Brenda crossed her arms. "Hey look." She said pointing behind me as Will strutted in.

"Really?" Sabrina asked crossing her arms as she faced Will.

"This is my chill place..." he stared at her and she stared back. Well then. "Okay, actually I just had to get my glasses that I left. "

"Well, if we keep seeing each other, why don't I just give you my number." She joked. He pulled out his phone and my face flushed. Was this really happening? I hadn't even thought to get Dana's number while I was there.

Sabrina put her number in Will's phone and they just kinda stared at each other. "What are you doing?" I said butting in.

"Oh, yeah.. sorry." Will said. The blush started to come to his cheek. He started walking away, but Brenda ran after him.

"What's she do-"

"Let's just go." Sabrina said pulling me along. I went with her, shaking her arm off.

"My plan worked so far." I said, a little above a whisper.


"I knew he was going to ask you to open up for Demi Lovato. We had talked about since you were posting videos, back in Vegas." I said. Sabrina seemed in awe.. then she hugged me.


"I need to talk to Cole. Can I have his number or something?" I asked Will as I stood beside him catching my breath. He looked at me then sighed.

"He really needs to talk to you too.. but you guys are so much like each other." He started to pull his phone out. "I think I'm gonna let him find you instead." Will said shoving his phone back into his pocket.

"Ugh!" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms across my chest, while walking back out after Sabrina and Sarah.

When I reached them in the parking lot, Sabrina was already in the car and Sarah was tying her shoe.

"So..." Sarah said, possibly waiting for an answer about what I was doing inside.

"I think I'm having the worst summer ever." I mutter getting into the back seat, letting her have the front.

"It'll get better, I promise." Sarah said. The ride back to the hotel was quiet. When we got parked, I walked around the block instead of instead of going inside.

"Free fortune cookies!" A little girl, around the age of 5 said. She was standing outside her family's restaurant. I quickly grabbed one and sat on the nearest park bench.

I cracked open the cookie and read my fortune.

You will come across your soul mate.

Yea? Well, I thought that already happened. I guess not. I stuck the stupid fortune in my pocket and made my way to the little comic store that was another block down.

"Well hot diggity dog." I said upon opening the door. There across the room was Cole and Dana forking through an old superman comic book. That stinking fortune was getting somewhere. I strolled up to them.

"Cole." I said trying not to squeal. He looked up at me and gave me his award winning smile. My knees buckled but I fixed my posture before this boy could take me away. He hugged me and I weakly put my arms around him.

"I've missed you like crazy!" He said. His voice muffled a bit.

"Really?" I questioned. I was literally so shocked.

"Of course."

"We need to find it now!!" Dana said, interrupting me and Cole's brief convo.

"I must tend to my owner." Cole joked pointing back at Dana who just rolled his eyes. "Can I have your number?" He asked nervously scratching the back of his neck.

Wow. Will must be psychic.

"Sure.." I handed him my phone and vice versa. I silently died a little inside knowing that I now can communicate with Cole freaking Pendery through cellular device. "Just wondering.. what are you guys looking for?" I asked curiously.

"Boys stuff that you wouldn't understand." Dana said. I have him a stink face.

"We're looking for a comic book that has a secret note riddle thing in it." Cole answered.

"Well wouldnt you think that it would be in a newer comic book?" I suggested. The boys eyes darted to the boxes of new Superman comics.

Hint 6- "From the first time I saw you at the coffee shop on melrose they were playing hey Jude and we both sang along..."

-California Sky by Greyson Chance

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