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When the girls left, I spent most of my time on Cole's instagram scrolling through all of his hundreds of pictures. It's not really stalking since I know that there are other girls that do it.

"Why would you just run off like that?" I heard Sabbi complain as she slid the hotel card into the door. Right then, I knew Sarah did something wrong.

"I had to do something that involves IM5."

"Is it harmful in any way possible?" Sabbi and I asked at the same time.

"I'm 15, guys. I turn 16 in a few weeks. I'm not going to blow people up. I know what I'm doing." Sarah walked over to the bathroom, and shut the door behind her as she did.

"I ran into the guys...or well, at least Will ran into me." Sabbi mumbled. On instant, I asked for Cole. Unfortunately, he wasn't there.

"I know where they will be now." Sarah said.

"Take me to them."


They were fixing my mic as I stood backstage at city walk. I saw Dana and Will stressing over those little hints, but I told them that I would help them after the show.

"Cole, isn't that the girl that you were singing too?" Gabe said walking up to me and pointing into the crowd.

"How did you know I sang to her?" I asked him as I scanned the crowd looking for Brenda.

"Dude, I saw the video."

"Well, I guess its all over the internet now. Yeah, that is her." I said finally spotting Brenda near the speakers with her friends. I would tell Dana that his little lover girl is here, but maybe he should find her himself.

"Is that Will?" Gabe asked squinting. Sure enough, Will was over by the girls talking to them. I saw him start leading Sabrina through the crowd and he brought her backstage.

"My friends are freaking out right now. But not as much as me." She confessed.

"What do you mean?' Gabe and I asked.

"Because of Will, I guess I'm gonna perform in front of my first crowd." She walked out onto the stage and took her seat in front of a mic on a stool.

"This is sort of unexpected, but I will perform a song for you guys. This song is an original called Clarity." As soon as she started singing, I recognized her voice. She's the girl that was singing on the stairs when we went to Vegas.

"Will, she's amazing." I said turning around. "Where's Dana?" I asked.

"He went to go look for Sarah."

"We go on in 5 minutes!" Gabe complained. "Go find him!" Will ran back into the crowd and was instantly surrounded by fans. I laughed a little but then Gabe sent me a death glare.

"We need to stall because we're next!" Gabe warned me.

"That was amazing. Can we get a round of applause for Sabrina?" I asked, rushing onto stage. Stalling for the sake of my life before Gabe kills me. The crowd roars with thunder and that's when I see Dana and Will jump on stage. Well, I guess my stalling won't last long.

"Me and this girl got this thing, its just that she don't know it yet." Will started, looking over to the side at Sabbi.

I looked at Dana to see what he was doing and he was holding in laughter. I looked out in the crowd to see Brenda and Sarah each standing on a speaker waving frantically. My face turned red as I also held in my laughter. My part came to sing, but instead, I started laughing and Gabe took over for me while giving me a stink face.

"Sorry bud." I whispered in his ear as I crossed over and passed by him during the choreography. He rolled his eyes at me and we finished the song. As I walked off stage, I met in the back with Will and Dana. "They left!" both guys complained as they referred to the girls.

"Well what did the last note say? Maybe we can find them there." I suggested while I took off my mic and grabbed a bottle of water.

"I could've thought of that." Will said. On our way back home, the guys gave me the note for me to decode. It was surprisingly easier than the others.

"Life's a game made for everyone and love is the prize." Gabe whispered over my shoulder.

"Dude what are you doing!" I yelled.

"Getting in on the secret, duh." I rolled my eyes as I told Gabe about what me, Will, and Dana were up to. After explaining everything to him, I realized what the note meant.

"The lovestruck game!" I said as we walked inside.

"What's that?" Dana asked as he kicked his shoes off and the horrid smell of his feet filled the room.

"At the arcade! The lovestruck game! We have got to go there." I said really excitedly.

"But, isn't that one game only open from 11 pm to midnight?" Will said.

'Let's get there by midnight then. That's when true love's kiss happens." Gabe said. Dana ran over and hugged him while we all stared at the horror unfolding before our eyes. I looked at the clock and told everyone that we should make our way to the arcade now, if we want to get there by midnight.

"Lets go!!" I said grabbing the car keys and chucking them to Dana.


"Score!" I yelled. I just beat Brenda in air hockey for the first time. She didn't seem so defeated because I'm probable not gonna win again, so Injust basked in my glory.

"Celebration's done." She said. "Where's my sister?"

"Over there." I mentioned as I pointed at the lovestruck game. I'm

Not really sure what it is but candy comes out of it.

"It's almost midnight, we should go." Sarah rushed. I shrugged my shoulders and thought that that she was right.

As we walked out, I accidentally bumped into some guy.


I left the others in the car as I walked inside to find a note near the Lovestruck game. Some girl ran into me on my way there.

"Sorry." I said quickly. I had to get the note before the arcade closes.

Lodged between two controllers I saw the perfume scented, heart covered, note sheet.

Hint 3: " If these sheets were the STATES and you were MILES away, I'd fold them end over end to bring you closer to me...."

-If These Sheets Were The States by All Time Low

From Rags to Riches *Completed*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें