Saturday Night

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I was sitting in Sabbi's living room when her sister Stephanie walked.

"Go home. You don't live here." She said blankly as she made her way upstairs. I just rolled my eyes and flipped through channels.

I heard wet footsteps coming from the bathroom. I turned around and saw Sabbi making her way up the stairs to her bedroom. As I was turning back to the tv, there was a knock on the front door. I got up to answer it.

"Hi. My name's Dana and my band will be playing at the local theater tonight." I automatically recognized him from the Superman video.

"Of course! IM5! We'll be there!" I smiled at him as he handed me a flyer and walked down the street to the neighbor's house.

~Friendly Boys... Well, 'boy' ~ I thought in my head as I closed the front door and ran upstairs to Sabbi's bedroom. Before I could even open the door, Stephanie yelled at me for running. She has some serious issues.

"ONEOFTHEGUYSINTHATBANDIM5JUSTSHOWEDUPATOURIMEANYOURDOORSTEP!!!" I yelled excitedly as I entered Sab's bedroom. It was pretty quick so it came out like one word.

"English please." Sabrina said while fixing her hair in the mirror.

"One of the guys in that band IM5 just showed up at our... I mean your doorstep." I said slower so every word could be heard.

"Really? That's nice. Maybe we should do that to promote me!" She said. It was as if she wasn't excited about what just happened.

"Uh ok..." I said getting up and walking over to her closet. I picked up a pair of sparkly silver vans on the floor then reached to the back of her closet for her penny board.

"Where you going?" She asked.

"Oh you know. About to follow that kid before he gets too far."

Brenda has some weird hobbies She just left my house and is legit following that band boy. While I was slipping my shoes on, Stephanie walked into my room and automatically went over to my closet.

"I am not a store people!" I yelled throwing my hands up in frustration.

"Sorry babe but this chick's got a date?"

"Ew. You? But you're so controlling." I said without thinking. I threw my hands over my mouth.

"Oh shut up!" She said. She grabbed a dress from my closet and a pair of ballet flats.

"Wait! Those are new! You have to ask before borrowing new things!" I pointed out.

"Have I ever asked before?" With that she walked out of my bedroom...with Brenda's birthday presents.


As I walked away from the last house, I heard rumbling behind me. I turned around and saw that girl with the shiny black hair.

"Hey! Remember me? ITS BRENDA!" She yelled, sailing past me on her penny board. She swiveled on her back wheels and came sailing back.

"Yeah. Hey!" I answered. I watched her as she started getting closer than next thing I know, I'm on the ground and she's on top of me.

"Sorry. I'm new at this boarding thing she says getting up and dusting herself off. I pushed myself up and shrugged.

"No big deal." I smiled at her as I ended up on the ground and this time someone was on my back. I tried to turn my head but I only saw Brenda's shoes which means that she isn't the one on my back.

"GET OFF SARAH!" She yelled. I guess Sarah is the one who tackled me.

"Sorry." She said getting off of me. She helped me up and I looked from Brenda to Sarah. They must be sisters since they look so much alike...but not really twins.

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