the flower;

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She was running...

Tonks was running to save her life. They were chasing her, the demons that wanted her dead. Nobody was coming to save her. For the first time in her entire life, she was scared to death. Her wand was broken, and the Death Eaters were right behind her.

"Imperio!" yelled one of them.
She jumped in front of a tree, and the spell missed her.

"Were are you, you filthy auror?" Antonin said. "Why are you running from us? Are you scared of us? Have you lost your nerve?"

Tonks tried not to move even though she knew they were coming closer.
"Crap, crap, holy crap!" Tonks whispered.
The fear was spreading into her body. This whole situation was disgusting her. She felt something she hadn't really felt before: weakness.

The spell gushed near Tonks and almost hit her.

"Well, well, who do we have here? Isn't it Nymphadora herself?"
She frowned.
"Imagine being so dumb to join a creature who wants to rule the world! That will never happen. You're just pathetic!"
"ENOUGH!" he yelled. "Who do you think you are?" he said, grabbing her arm and pointing his wand at her forehead. "I can kill you right no-"

Antonin was interrupted by a terrifying howl that pierced the darkness. Some bushes started to move.

"Sir," one of the Death Eaters said frightened, "I think we're surrounded by her friends."
A big moon appeared from behind the clouds.
"Nope," Tonks thought, "we're surrounded by something else."

A werewolf jumped from the bushes. Its white teeth were perfect for making it frightening. The Death Eaters ran away.


Before opening his mouth again, the werewolf jumped on his chest. Antonin put his wand in its teeth and pushed it. The werewolf broke the wand in half.

"You were lucky this time, but the next time we meet, you will be dead!"

Tonks held her breath. All the Death Eaters ran away, but the werewolf was still there, looking at her and growling.
"The werewolf attacked only the bad guys." she thought.

Its hazel eyes and the way it was hesitating to attack her made her realize it wasn't just an ordinary werewolf. Tonks' panic faded away immediately. That werewolf was actually Remus!

"Hey buddy, it's me, Tonks!" Hoping that he would recognize her, Tonks held out her hand and tried to pet him. She didn't even want to think about the possibility of being killed by Remus.

Luckily, that good part that was keeping Remus sane during full moons knew to leave her alone. Realizing who she was, he started to act like a puppy and to jump in front of her.

"Good boy! Good boy! Thank you so much for saving me!" Tonks said, stroking his fur.

As soon as he felt her fingers running through his fur, he stepped back and left her alone.

She didn't understand: what did she do? It wasn't even morning, so Remus wasn't transforming back into his human form.

Why did he run away?

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