"Sounds amazing; we can buy the ingredients now," nodded Constance and I nodded too with a wide smile.

"Look! Let's go have some coffee!" Jared immediately turned to the right, pulling me with and all the others followed as we saw a coffee shop which was open.

Wandering around the shopping mall we mostly just window shopped, not so much of the actual shopping, except the groceries and some ingredients for my blueberry pie I am going to try to make tomorrow. I haven't baked in good five years for sure, but I just felt like I need to do this not only as a thank you for letting me stay but also there was this need to impress Constance with more than just an avocado cream with coffee spill in it.

The sky was a bit darker shade of grey by the time we left the mall and made our way to the market square where small stands were standing in endless rows, offering all kinds of Christmas related items such as decorations, post cards, hats and scarfs, paintings.

Cold and warm foods and beverages were sold in one row, closest to the big pine tree which was standing in the middle of the square in all its glory, decorated, ready to be lit up at five in the evening.

"Let's go closer to the tree, it's soon going to be lit up!" stated Shannon as he led us while pushing our way through the people.

We already stood in line for some roasted almonds, chestnut and eggnog, the latter in Shannon's hand, a great excuse to make people step aside.

"Oh, God I forgot how packed the square is this time," mumbled Jared walking close behind his mom.

"Hey! There's mulled wine, I'd really like some," I sighed finally finding a stand where they sold the hot beverage and Jared stopped.

"Wanna go there?" he asked turning towards the stand, causing people to stop behind us, trying to make their way around.

"Is it okay?" I asked uncertain.

"Of course," nodded Jared then looked towards his Mom and brother who kept going and he waved. "We'll find them later on. Come on," he said and started to walk towards the mulled wine stand.

Grabbing my hand even stronger, Jared made his way through the people like he owns the place as I couldn't find time to breath between all the "excuse me-s" I had to mumble as Jared could care less about being polite.

We got to the stand in record time and standing in the line Jared smiled down at me.

"You okay, babe?"

I just nodded with a smile then taking my hood off I looked up to the different options of spicing when I felt Jared's lips on my cheek, and I peered to him with a shy smile.

He just chuckled grabbing my waist, pulling me close to his side as he looked up to the offers too.

"Oh, there's some interesting options here," he said reading them through, but instead of continuing the reading I just watched Jared's face as the blue Christmas lights of the stand reflected in his big eyes, making them look like out of this world.

After some time of getting lost in his focused eyes, my gaze wandered down to the curve of his nose, his slim cheekbones and defined jaw what was now more and more hidden by the growing beard.

I just smiled as I raised my hand to brush the hood more aback from his face to see more.

He didn't seem to mind, as he was still lost in reading all the choices.

I couldn't help but wonder how I got so lucky that the man who chose me, not only have beautiful features, but a beautiful soul as well. A rare gentleman who doesn't let just anyone in, but I got to be one of them.

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