The sound of hundreds of arrows filled the air as the Fallen Kings let loose into the unsuspecting fanatics.

"TODAY IT ENDS!" Gormath roared, turning leading the charge.

Flashes of light, explosions, and the sounds of metal and rage filtered around to the back of the building. From their vantage point, the rescue team watched the battle unfold. When the two sides joined Reige nodded to Trendal, who in turn signaled the rangers he'd brought with him. They quickly dispatched the few men protecting the rear door of the structure.

Ban'Koliath pulled his new hammer, Void, from its place on his back and led the charge down over the hill. Roland's spell wore off as they charged, and the building became solid stone once more. Ban'Koliath reached the door at full charge and swung the hammerhead against it. The door buckled under the force of the blow, blasting inward and catching a member of the Court on the other side. The minotaur gave the hammer a satisfied spin in his hands as Mal vanished inside the building, impatient for blood.

Void had been a gift from Sub-Commander Gormath. In Ban'Koliath's report, he'd relayed the disturbing news; Nyeberian golems walked the earth once more. This had deep implications for the Order, not the least of which was that they had failed in their sacred duty. The Commander had hastily invoked Defensi Ultim. The order gave the senior commanders access to the extremely powerful ancient weapons of the Knights Eternal. Leftovers from the Cataclysmic War, these weapons were a major factor in the respect the Order of Brass commanded. Each weapon, in the right hands, could lay waste to entire cities. For that reason, they were used only in the direst of circumstances, and only by the most trusted Brassmen.

The hammer was forged from a silvery metal and inlaid with gold filigree around the runic designs. Gormath had informed Ban of the hammer's primary capabilities. It was an enchantment breaker via absorption. Every enchantment it consumed added to the power of the hammer. In the hands of a master, they could wield those many enchantments to devastating effect. And while not quite a master, Ban'Koliath was no novice. Dealing with two fanatics in short order, their bodies almost comically flew through the air from the force of the hammer blow and stepped inside the warehouse.

As the rescue team stormed the building, the portal to The Key blasted out a wave of force. The wave sent all the faux warehouse adornments, several Court members, and even part of the floor flying out in a blinding flash. When the team could see again the portal had almost doubled in size, allowing greater numbers to pour through. All of them ready to murder in the name of their masters. But in the face of the trained and disciplined ranks of the Order of Brass and the agile Fallen Kings, their numbers were not enough.

Ban'Koliath and his group had timed their entrance perfectly. As they came in from the back Gormath and the main force breached the walls at the front. Effectively pulling any and all focus from the small rescue team to the front. Across the warehouse floor Gormath swept his massive sword through the Court members, carving a line through their defenses. The mages that had entered with him were blasting holes with ice orbs, fire lances, and acidic sludge.

Reige led them closer to the portal, with Mal using his shadow powers to afford them some cover. Trendal and his rangers silently, and quickly, dealt with any fanatic that took notice of them. Reige raised a hand and closed it into a fist once they were in position, and the rescue team closed in around those guarding the portal. They overpowered the ring of fanatics and the rescue team fanned out to defend their new prize; the way to The Key.

"Brothers, Rangers. Hold this portal no matter the cost," Reige said giving them a salute.

"Sir," Came a quiet chorus of responses.

"Be prepared for anything in this place," Ban'Koliath said, "I have only been inside once, and we weren't there to explore. Dakon and Ivy have not yet shown themselves, but if you see them, run. Run and find the Commander or myself. Fight only if you must but remember that our main goal is to get Ian out of there," The minotaur lowered his horns and rushed through. Roland, Pandora, and Mal were right on his heels. They spilled out into the entryway that Ban'Koliath was familiar with; the hall of doors. Doors of every shape and variety lined the expansive room.

"Keep an eye on those doors," Ban'Koliath warned, "Reinforcements could come from any one of them." He ushered them towards the back wall where they had entered The Key before. Mal sniffed and whined against a spot on the wall but the minotaur could see no way inside. Roland gave Ban'Koliath a chance, but when it became apparent that he wasn't going to find a way in any time soon the mage set to work. He did not want to be caught out here in the open when, for all they knew, a thousand fanatics were lining up to rush in here to aid their fellow brethren.

"Manufest et aperio," Roland said with a flourishing hand move. The doorway bloomed in a showy flash of green light, also revealing a hidden switch. Roland flipped the switch and the wall slid open.

Ban'Koliath ducked through behind Mal, his nose to the ground. There were a handful of whispered remarks at the display of wealth in this room, but Ban'Koliath remained unimpressed. Though he did notice the hungry glances that Trendal let slip at some of the most lavish items.

"From here," Ban'Koliath pointed, "That way leads to the library. I don't know about the rest. I'm afraid Ian got us where we needed to be last time."

"Then I will go to the library," Roland said. "We will still need to send Ian home after all this, so the Star Chart should be retrieved."

"I'll go with Roland," Pandora volunteered. She had been quiet since they entered The Key, but at the mention of a library she perked up.

"Go with them to the library," Reige said to Trendal, "just in case. We'll head deeper in and search for Ian."

"I do not work for you, Commander." Trendal scowled at Reige, "But, seeing how someone needs to protect these humans... " He made a sniff of disdain and gestured for Roland to lead on.

Roland gave Ban'Koliath a do-I-have-to look, but acquiesced before the minotaur could retort. The Commander was meanwhile eyeing the doors lining the entry hall behind them.

"These all lead to various locations across Paragore?" Reige asked.

"It's how they've been getting around unnoticed for all these years," Ban'Koliath confirmed. After allowing him another moment to process Ban'Koliath pressed, "Shall we get moving, sir? We've a lot of ground to cover."

"Yes, you're right." Reige drew his longsword from the scabbard at his hip, "We can worry about destroying this highway of malice later. This shadow wolf - how is he at tracking?"

Mal lifted his head long enough to look at Ban'Koliath and chuff. He grew impatient and was giving every indication that he had Ian's scent already.

"The best there is, Commander," Ban'Koliath answered.

They headed across the room following Mal's nose. He lead them to a set of double doors, the room beyond was pitch black.

"I'm not entirely comfortable with how easy this has been," Reige commented.

"Nor should you be. But if I have learned anything over these last few days about our foe, it is that they are supremely arrogant. I doubt they planned on the Order putting up such a fight," Ban'Koliath said. Mal made a low growl as he sniffed at the dark room beyond. The growl changed into a full snarl and the wolf charged into the darkness alone.

"Mal!" Ban'Koliath took off after him. When his hoof hit the floor, the room lit up to reveal the training area within.

"Congratulations on making it this far." Came a timbering voice from behind the glaring lights. "I'm sorry to inform you that this will be the end of your journey. I have been given strict orders to eliminate any intruders. So, I welcome you to your tomb."

"Dakon." Ban'Koliath spat the word out as though it were a curse. His grip tightened on Void and his eyes narrowed in a rare display of anger.

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