"God, certainly smells like you still live in here, Archie," Eden muttered, flicking on the light and scanning the clutter for the source of the smell. The idea of keeping Archer's room untouched when he had died wasn't a bad one, it was just poorly executed. Eden knew his mother couldn't even bear to set foot in the room so keeping it in the condition it had been left in wasn't worth it. Especially when there was clearly something off in the room.

"What a fucking surprise," Eden murmured under his breath upon stumbling across a stash of pills in one of the drawers of Archer's desk. He never had enough. Eden felt bile rise in his throat as he found the source of the odour, having to actually look away to bite back the tears in his eyes. He lifted the plate from the floor, trying not to dwell on what remained on the mould-ridden slice of birthday cake, not wanting to think of how his brother would never get to see another.

"Sorry, bro, but it's not like you're gonna need this anymore," Eden placed the plate on Archer's desk, turning off the light and removing the bulb from where it sat hidden in the dusty lampshade. Slinking out of the room just as quickly as he had entered, Eden took the rotten food downstairs and just threw it straight in the outside trash can, plate and all. It wouldn't be missed if it hadn't been noticed before.

It didn't take long for Eden to replace the bulb in his en-suite, although it did weigh on his conscience somewhat. He found himself regretting what he had done, it just felt wrong, like he'd trespassed into somewhere he shouldn't have, vandalised a precious memory. It was only a light bulb, but it was Archer's light bulb.

Trying to ignore the stupidity that was rooted deep in his mind, Eden stripped and stepped into the shower finally. His muscles tensed as the freezing water hit his skin, feeling like icy bullets stripping away at his flesh. Hot water was pretty scarce in the morning, and Eden felt too selfish to use it himself. Instead, he opted for cold showers, at least they helped wake him up.

Eden didn't take long in the shower, nor did it take him much time to dress. He simply slung on his uniform, since he would have to go to work pretty early to open up. Black jeans, navy blue shirt and a name tag. Basic but to the point. He didn't exactly work in some fancy law firm. Hand-tailored suits and thousand dollar watches weren't necessary - nor were they in his price range.

Straightening out his bedsheets and drawing back his curtains, Eden left his room, walking down the hallway to his sister's, no longer bothering to be quiet. Pointless really if his intention was to wake her anyway. Alarm clocks were an unnecessary expense when he got up early enough for the both of them.

Audrey's room looked completely different from the rest of the house. With bright walls of fresh paint, furniture that wasn't falling to pieces and a wardrobe full of brand name clothes. Nothing designer, no, but nothing cheap like Eden bought. Audrey shopped in malls, not thrift stores. And, yet, Eden felt not even a twinge of jealousy, Audrey deserved more, more than he would be able to provide.

There was no favouritism between the children of that house, no, their mother loved them all equally. Despite this, there would be no difference if there was a favourite, Eden was the one who controlled the money in the house. He had been gifted that job, or more likely cursed, since Archer died and their mother fell into her downward spiral. He made sure after the bills were paid, Audrey was taken care of first, whatever was left he put in savings. Sadly, that account was often left bare when Eden's mother got involved.

Maybe Eden was a minimalist. Or maybe he just knew how to survive on the little things. He didn't need expensive clothes or the latest iPhone. He was quite content with what he had. He had learnt that a long time again, he came from humble beginnings. He would reside there probably the rest of his life, but he would make it his mission for Audrey to have it better. She could get out, she could make it in the big leagues.

In the Beat of a Wing {boyxboy}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz