3 ; Perfection Doesn't Even Begin With Confusion

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Only with a small glance of Jisung's eyes, the word perfect could not describe what he saw. 

A land like in his dreams, with flowers of purple scattered across the ground, some taller then the others, mountains reaching up into the sky with the most beautiful peaks of the sun streaking through it, the greenest non-polluted trees with branches that almost shined like in some cartoon, no city building was seen from his point of view like how he would normally see when he woke up from his sleep, and a sky that seemed so unreal with orange and pink tints. 

Where he was almost seemed like a figment of his own mind, bits and pieces of the land seemed so unreal and something he could only dream of. 

When Jisung was little, to escape the constant madness in his house, he would draw and paint. When he was about 4 years of age, he distinctly now remembers scattering his brush across a paper, with lands of purple and orange-pink skies. To him that wasn't a single flaw. 

"What are you drawing there Jisung?"

"Somewhere I want to go."

He turned to the men in complete disbelief, his mouth parted in complete shock. "I'm dreaming, right?" He questioned them. 

Chris's little giggle was enough to earn Jisung a small smile as well. He shook his head and puffed up his cheeks, gathering an answer. "No, I don't think you are. None of us are asleep." 

With a blink of an eye, Jisung really couldn't grasp where he was. Not anywhere in South Korea for sure. 

However, his dreams wouldn't consist of something happy, or joyful. Those he would call nightmares, which often was the mental reason why his panic attacks were very frequent. The so-called "daydreams" he would have is what he would consider happy and more joyful. The ones where he would imagine himself in a place where only him and the ones he desired to have most would be alone, with gorgeous unspeakable colors, fields of clean, city streets with no one except his most desired ones, clean and bright city lights, no pollution visible in the city of Seoul, training to his free will, being able to sing in his own comfort zone, teach himself to do many things with his loved ones right behind his back. 

Bringing his chin up to face the 7 men to confront his confusion to them. "Did you guys drug me or something?!"

Seeing the expression on Chris's face and the others who were holding back their giggles and lumps in their throats. "We already checked," Hyunjin said sarcastically. "There are no drugs here," he giggled as Changbin lightly hit his clothed arm.

"I-I'm not dead right," his eyes widened. 

"Wait, does that mean I'm dead then?"  

"Jeongin no-"

"HOLY SHIT WE'RE ALL DEAD," Jisung screamed, grabbing a pillow covering his face. 

When he peaked up, slightly shifting his eyes upwards at the men whose faces were redder and more swollen from containing their giggles that are hidden in the back of their throat. 

He peaked his nose above the fabric pillow with curious doe eyes. "S-so we aren't dead..." He said muffled through the fabric of the pillow. 

Chris smiled, gently leaning his hand over and twirling one of Jisung's strands of his hair. "No buddy, we're just as confused as you."

Blinking to his shock, he sprung up from his bed, regaining his balance and tossing the sheets aside from him. He didn't care how light-headed he was, he shoved passed the men standing up, entering a hallway.

The hallway. It was so familiar. The exact same bland hallway that was right outside his dorm room, the same lights but were turned into beautiful and exciting colors, the tiles that stayed the same all year, the windows scattered across the other wall, but instead revealing a painful morning darkened sky, it revealed the purple scattered lands and the brightly colored sky. Jisung couldn't believe anything he was saying.

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