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So um... I will most likely totally forget that I wrote this but this was just a stray idea in the back of my head where I literally just created a whole entire world. And I'm so excited to be writing this. But I do have a small warning...? 


This will contain mature scenes, strong language, and triggering scenes.

Basically... I'll have a huge trigger warning here as well:

If you are triggered by suicide, depression, and sudden reality checks then I suggest you don't read this. 

Anyway, please read, vote, and share <3 AND REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE LOVED AND APPRECIateD SKDKSDJSKF


His annoying sound of a pencil scribbled across the crumbled paper. He tried to keep up with the science teachers sayings, words, and ideas. 

He was interested in what the teacher had to say. Only if he had another hand to help him keep up with the ideas and sayings. 

To Han Jisung, this 14-year-old boy gathered an interest just now of alternate dimensions. He seemed to gather interest in almost every science topic. His journal is filled with theories, ideas, and possible facts. He saw the world not as it is but what it could be. He took science as a passion. A brand new topic only surfaced today that gathered his full attention. 

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th dimensions, 9th, 10th, 11th, and so much more. Again he had another idea to skip on off to the library after school to read up on these theories about dimensions instead of going home. 

The teacher smiled at the little Han Jisungs interest. 

The teacher flipped the page in his textbook, examining the page then... he got a look on his face. Jisung looked up to examine his look, he looked either uninterested or scared. 

"Ahh yes. This theory."

The class nervously smiled at the tone of his voice and how unsure the teacher sounded. 

"Have any of you students heard of the placebo effect?" 

It sounded familiar to Jisung, he was certain that some students knew about the placebo effect. He turned around and saw that the class had the most clueless look on their faces. It made him giggle a bit. 

"The placebo effect is a beneficial effect on someone who has had a drug or... medicine treatment. It creates this vision of happiness and perfection for people- yes Mr. Han?"

Jisung, who raised his hand, then set his hand down and proceded to talk. "Is it real?"

The teacher smiled to himself. "Only if you believe. That's the whole point of the placebo effect. Only people who believe in the chain reaction have spoken out and said that it is real."

"Is it... a real drug though?" 

"Only if you believe," he chuckled again. "But I'm sure there are people out there who have taken such a drug that maybe we can interview someday."

An ignorant student interrupted from the back of the class, "What does this have to do with the lesson today?"

"I'm glad you asked," the teacher proceeded to go on with his lesson. "People who have had this placebo effect have claimed to enter a dimension that scientists theorize constantly."

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