Bonnie: "I don't know how to make a day-walking ring." She says to Jaylan and Stefan who are sitting inside the grill
Stefan: "Emily made mine, made Damon's too. Your grandmother made Jaylan's necklace."
Jaylan: "She did?" She asks looking down at her necklace in surprise
Stefan: "Instructions must be in the Grimoire."
Bonnie: "That doesn't mean I can cast a spell."
Stefan: "Bonnie, ahem. You know how to drop vampires with a single look. Okay? I think you can figure it out."
Bonnie: "Caroline killed someone, Stefan."
Jaylan: "So did I," She says making Bonnie look at her shocked "Gonna try to kill me again?"
Bonnie: "I can't make it easier for her to do it." She says choosing to ignore Jaylan's statement
Stefan: "No we're not making it easier for her. We're giving her the chance to survive. Every day she's cut off from her old life, from you, from Elena, from Matt it'll make it harder for her to hold on to her humanity."
Bonnie: "And how do you know she won't hurt anyone else?"
Stefan: "I don't. But if we don't do everything we can or at least trust the fact that she can keep it together we might as well just stake her right now."
Bonnie: "I don't know if I can trust her. Not with this."
Stefan: "Then trust me."
Jaylan: "And I mean if we're gonna look at what lead up to what, Caroline wouldn't have had to kill that guy had it not been for Katherine killing her due to Damon's blood being in her system. Which he wouldn't have needed to give her had Tyler not crashed his car. However the crash was caused due to the Gilbert device that had somebody done what they said they would, it never would have been activated. So I guess we should be pointing the finger" she says looking over at Bonnie making Stefan sigh quietly to himself "So how about you crack open that spellbook of yours." She smiles falsely at her

Caroline: "So I don't get to choose the ring I have to wear the rest of my life?" She asks looking at the ring on her bed
Bonnie: "Hey, if you don't want it-"
Stefan: "No, she wants it."
Caroline: "Now what?"
Bonnie: "Now's the part where I explain the rules. The witch who spells the ring has the power to de-spell it. So if you do anything to hurt anyone-"
Caroline: "I'm not gonna hurt anyone." She says interrupting her
Bonnie: "You're a vampire. That means the urge to kill is a part of who you are. The minute you let it take over, I will stop you."
Caroline: "Bonnie you're supposed to be my friend."
Bonnie: "I can't ignore what happened, okay? You're gonna have to prove that the Caroline I remember isn't gone. Now put the ring on the bed."
Caroline: "Do you really think I meant to kill that guy at the carnival?"
Bonnie: "He's still dead."
Jaylan: "Need I replay the chain of events again?" She asks looking over at Bonnie with an irritated look
Bonnie: "Do you want me to cast the spell or not?" She asks done with everything before doing the spell "All done."
Caroline: "Hmm So that's it? I mean, nothing witchy happened, heh. You know, no flickering lights, no gusts of wind. Have you even done this before?" She asks putting the ring on
Jaylan: "Caroline." She says warningly
Caroline: "Well, I just wanna make sure it worked." She says as Bonnie rips the curtains open making her jump back a little in fear
Bonnie: "It worked."
Caroline: "What if it hadn't, Bonnie?"
Bonnie: "She's all yours." She says looking at Stefan before leaving

Caroline: "So, what do I do when I see the rabbit?" she asks as they walk around the woods
Stefan: "Chase it, catch it, feed on it."
Jaylan: "Try not to be completely disgusted by what you're doing." She throws in
Caroline: "Isn't killing cute, defenseless animals the first step in becoming a serial killer?"
Stefan: "Well you sort of skipped serial killer and went straight to vampire. Hey Caroline if you're not serious about this, you should tell me." He says after seeing the look on her face
Caroline: "No, I am. Look, I swear that I am, okay? But it's just I haven't been in the sun for days. Everyone's at the swimming hole, and Matt is there. He finally told me he loved me, but I've been blowing him off. And now you want me to eat bunnies, and I'm kind of freaking out, okay?" She says as Stefan and Jaylan look at each other before laughing a little "Now you're laughing at me."
Jaylan: "No, I'm not laughing."
Stefan: "None of this is funny, trust me. It's, heh It's just that, uh."
Caroline: "What?"
Stefan: "When someone becomes a vampire all of their natural behaviors get sort of, uh, uh, amplified."
Caroline: "What do you mean?"
Stefan: "I mean, uh, as a human, I cared deeply for people and how they felt. Uh, if they were hurting, I felt their pain. And I felt guilty if I caused it. And, uh, as a vampire, all of that got magnified. Same with Jaylan she was sarcastic and stubborn with motherly instincts. And now all that has amped by 100."
Jaylan: "It hasn't gone up that much."
Stefan: "You literally now never let me go hunting without you."
Jaylan: "I'm sorry, who was the one who got kidnapped and tortured by vampires that were locked in a tomb for years." She says as he keeps quiet after that
Caroline: "So you're saying, that now I'm basically an insecure, neurotic, control freak on crack." She says drawing the conversation back to her
Stefan: "Well, I wasn't gonna say it like that, but hey, listen. Let's hunt, okay?"
Caroline: "Ugh."
Stefan: "And then after that, we'll go to the swimming hole."
Caroline: "Really?" She asks excitedly
Stefan: "Matt is the closest connection to your humanity. And I think that being around him is a good thing."
Caroline: "Okay."
Jaylan: "Come on." She says putting her arm around her shoulder pulling her along with her
Caroline: "Okay. Bunnies."
Jaylan: "Yum." She says playfully

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