Ein x Reader Chptr. 2: Dinner

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"I already ate, but you two can have what you want." Lucinda replied, going up to her room. "...Aaron or Aphmau?...which one were you looking for?" You reminded, Ein's left ear perked up. "....Both of them...and a few others.." Ein replied, scarfing down the deer he put on the plate (Magical plates :DDD). (let's just say that you were close friends with aaron; so aaron told you a lot about upcoming plans) "...Let me guess..Katelyn, Travis.....Blaze.., Daniel...and Zane?" You asked, counting them off on our hands. "....." Ein gazed at you like a deer in headlights. "....What?" You ask, taking the last bite of deer then looking at him. "...How'd you know...?" Ein asked, sounding paranoid. "...Aaron knows things.." You responded, sounding more confident than usual. "Where did you say they'd be at?" Ein asked, his tail wagging from happiness. "I don't know if he went there yet or if he left, but Aaron said as soon as he saves up enough money he was going to propose to Aphmau in Starlight Wonderland, and he said after that he was going to try and stop the General Forces, and bring his friends along." You retorted, not realizing you'd said too much.

"Y'know, you're so much help I could seriously kiss you." Ein stated, blushing a deep red after realizing he said that. "......." you blushed (or got really embarrassed) a deep red, and started fiddling with your fingers again. "Did you decide where you're sleeping yet?" Ein asked, the red on his face slowly dissipating. "Uhh....If it's okay with you...I wanted to sleep with you..." You responded, the red on your face also slowly dissipating. "Oh...I...guess you could.." Ein said, awkwardly smiling while rubbing the back of his neck. *Ein's Thoughts:Why'd she have to say she wanted to room with me....I'd like it if it wasn't mating season and all....but...* "Also, when are we leaving for Starlight Wonderland?" You asked, inching closer to his face. "Uhm...tomorrow at sunset, but I have to make sure with Lucinda first..Lucinda!" Ein stated, well he shouted the last word...but still. "...Lucinda.?" Ein asked, walking upstairs. "...." You didn't speak, you just followed close behind Ein. "I Knew I shouldn't Have Put a Window In her room..." Ein muttered, quiet enough to where you didn't hear. "....I guess we'll be leaving a little bit early....make sure you grab some of the for- potions that are on my dresser before we leave." Ein stated, he sounded somewhat furious, but was trying to keep his cool. You went into his room and looked on his dresser to see a variety of potions, the green ones in the blue bottles stood out the most, so you grabbed a few of them...then you thought you might as well grab them all. "You done yet?" Ein shouted from downstairs, making you jump and drop a potion on yourself. (O shi- sheez, sheezballs like cheese balls but better) "Yes, my love." You answered, carefully stacking the potions in your arms, careful not to drop them, well; the remaining 9...and opened his bedroom door enough so you could squeeze through then shut it. "....F(amily friendly word)uck ...she dropped one of them didn't she..." Ein cursed, running up the stairs and taking 5 of the potions out of your arms, leaving you with 4. "...." You looked up at him, only for him to brush past you and go into his room to get what you'd probably assume was a potion to undo whatever you just did to yourself. "Stay, still. Don't move, don't try and speak ; okay. Let me be clear; the only thing you should do...is breathe." Ein stated, before throwing a potion at you. You waited for Ein to tell you you could do something, anything... "(Y/N)?" Ein asked, running up to you. "Huh..? What happened?" you asked, turning to face Ein. "I- Uh....- Ahem....We should go to Starlight Wonderland." Ein stated, blushing. "....What if Aaron isn't there though?" You asked, a worried look on your face. "We'll keep looking." Ein smirked, then gestured for you to go down the stairs first..little did you know that not only did that potion reverse the forever potions effect, it gave you werewolf ears and a tail. (dont ask i'm the writer mmkay xD) "Do you know where Starlight Wonderland is?" Ein asked, his ears moved opposite ways, which looked cute...but also painful. ".....Uhmm...should be just the way I came and then a right.." You answered, you'd never been there before, but you knew it would be a lot of walking. *three hours later* "We almost there yet??!" Ein complained, for about the 10th time this hour, you were prepared to have to carry him to Starlight Wonderland, although He's the strong one. "Yes, just a few more minutes..." You added, almost out of breath, your hair was sticking to your neck and with summer clothes on you knew you weren't going to make it out of this weather without a cold. *1 hour later* "We there yet?" Ein asked again, leaning against a tree that had a purple-ish hue due to the sunset. "Yeah." You answered, and Ein finally perked up. "...this is a lot less...scenic than I'd like it to be.." Ein complained, earning a tug on the tail. "OWwwW!!" Ein shouted, looking at you with puppy dog eyes.  "Follow." You commanded, earning a huff from Ein as he crossed his arms. "You want to find Aaron or not?" You asked, Ein immediately ran up to you. "....Ein?!!??" A voice behind me shouted. "Ow...That was my ear..." I replied, turning around to see a brunette in a red swimsuit with a brunette with wolf ears and scars on his chest close behind. "I- I thought you died?!?!!" Aaron stated, looking confused. "....I feel like I'm missing something..." You stated, looking at the couple, then at Ein. "Well, we wouldn't be here if it weren't for her...and I literally wasn't expecting the both of you to still be here...but...*fake cough, maybe not* (Y/N)...I...really like you....would you....be my girlfriend...?" Ein asked, looking you in the eyes. "And I thought you'd never get a girl that liked you or someone you actually cared for enough to not TRY AND KILL!!" Aphmau shouted, giving you the death glare, as if you were the person that'd tried to kill her. ".....Someones panties are in a bunch...." You snickered, crossing your arms. "....(Y/N)...I'm not saying not to date him, but I'm not saying you should date him, I just hope you make the right decision and come to your senses before what happened to us happens to you." Aaron remarked, you suppose he noticed his eyes had changed color, which is why he went to his bag (?) to get the red bandanna he always wore at the University.  "Look, Aaron...I know sorry isn't enough to take back what I did, but I hope you know I've changed, and I'll go to great lengths to prove it, even (Y/-" "You hurt her. And you tried to kill me. And you took Lucinda. Where is she!?!!" Aaron shouted, his Ultima eyes showing through the bandanna. ".....Ein..." You whispered, giving him a concerned look. "....You.Don't.Know.Me.....and how would I know, last time I saw Lucinda she cooked us deer then the next thing I know her window was broken. speaking or which I haven't slept in more than 24 hours, neither has (Y/N), so....I guess I might as well ask if you have anywhere we could stay....since people think I'm dead and all..." Ein retorted, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "....." Aaron didn't respond, but apparently me and Aphmau knew what he was going for so we both tried to calm him down. "Aaron, she'll come up eventually, it'll be fine....and yeah...technically the people know you're visually unhurt, and so am i, and Ein was the only other person there so basically Ein is presumed to be dead by now..." Aphmau stated, trying to keep Aaron calm, which apparently wasn't working. "I.Don't.Care. I just want a happy life, without the GF's , without people trying to kill us, without drama-" "That's called paradise. I don't any of us are getting that any time soon, because even if you do solve one problem another one is eventually going to show up, and you can't just be like your father and hire other people to do your job, because you see how that turned out, multiple people almost getting killed, and the internet spreading rumors about you." You replied, and Aaron seemed to calm down a little bit, whether it was from realization or not wanting to have more attention on him.  "It's getting late." Aaron said, turning and going back the way we came up. "My father brought us here, so I doubt that he'll let Ein ride...but I guess I can try and convince him." Aaron sighed, and Aphmau squealed. *time skip to le limo* "Fine, as long as you don't try to kill him or harm him, and the guys sit together and the girls sit together. (If you're a guy just pretend he said for Ein and Aaron to sit together then :3) " He retorted, Aphmau grabbed you in a hug and twirled you around, squeezing you a little bit too tight. "ow...Aph...you're hurting me" You breathed, but luckily she was able to hear you so she let you down and you got into the limo. "Sooooooo.....About Ein's question." Aphmau asked, looking at you with a hint of excitement in her eyes. "...I think I'm gonna say yes....wait...what about Lucinda...." You whispered the last part, making sure the guys didn't hear. ".....I'm not sure, were there footprints outside the window?" Aphmau asked, tilting her head. "No, the only footprints there were were the ones I made coming to the lodge...lodge? wood cabin? same thing.." You muttered the last part since you confused yourself a little, and Aphmau laughed. "Oh! Will we be seeing Zack and Elizabeth ( forgot to mention i have my own (and correct) theory that elizabeth is Ein's mum, if u don't like it get out. rn. you're staying....okay.) while we're here?" You asked, mumbling their names just loud enough for Aphmau to hear. "...Zack....That's my d-" "SHHHHHHH, that's Ein's Dad too, and I cant believe Kawaii~Chan shipped you two when he's your half-brother..." You replied, saying it loud enough for the guys to hear, but you assume they ignored it. ".....I never knew....and I liked him too- EWW- UGH- NO!" Aphmau spewed out, making you laugh. "You two okay back there?" Ein asked, Aaron just looked sideways at Aphmau. "Yeah." Aphmau giggled, giving me the okay with her right hand. "We were just seeing who could disgust the other more :3" You replied, giggling a little bit. ".....Are they gonna be okay?" Aaron asked, raising an eyebrow. ".....I'm not sure." Ein sighed, turning back around. "Omi that was so funny.." You sighed, your tail was now unconsciously wagging. "Also...you didnt happen to look Aaron in the eyes earlier before he had the bandanna on did you?" Aphmau asked, a hint of curiosity in her voice. "I did......why.....??" You asked, feeling a little bit paranoid. "Ears....you have-" "I though everyone had ears?" You replied, looking at her in confusion. "You have....wolf ears...and a tail...." She whispered, making you blush (or get embarrassed) "So that's why Ein's been fawning over me lately..." You added, Aphmau nodding at your response. "Oh, and (Y/N), before I forget...what were you going to say about being my girlfriend?" Ein asked, leaning his head back to where you could see his silver eyes. "...Tell him!" Aphmau nudged, elbowing you in the arm. "Ye- I'd love to..." *In (Y/N)'s mind: why writer why, i know this is an ein x reader but we're going in too needy xD* You responded, elbowing Aphmau back as a response. "You go girl!" Aphmau whisper-yelled. "Okay, we're here, your dad should be here any minute Aaron, so I suggest you let Aphmau hide them so he doesn't have a cow that you're taking a supposed dead person, and your girlfriend that before this year he didn't like but is now sucking up to; to the city where he keeps his guards, not to mention your other friends have been here for a while, I'm not sure where they are but they're somewhere around here." The guard replied, followed by Aaron opening his door, then Aphmau, then Ein, then you. As soon as you got out the car and shut your door you were welcome into a warm hug,  it was Ein, he pulled away and pecked you on the cheek. "T-thanks for saying yes.." He blushed, then let go of you. "Aww, no problem Ein, I could never say no to a sweet wittle cinnamon roll like you!" You replied, pressing your index finger against his nose. "....Aaron." The Guard stated. "Ye- oh...s- crap...Aph, hide Ein and (Y/N) before my dad gets to the docks!" Aaron shouted, but before she could get us anywhere.....

To Be Continued

(I was really lazy with this chapter, but only because I didn't really have any inspiration and Writers block was running up really close behind....)

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