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Before I could even react he had already separated his lips from mine and hurried to get the bus, leaving me frozen on my spot.

I touched my lips, where his had been only a few moments ago, watching the bus driving away further and further.

I guess it really is wrong what the others at school say, Taehyung's action had shown he was more of man than anyone else.

I sighed, already feeling my confused teenage emotions starting to get the best of me.

"Happy birthday Y/N." I mumbled to myself before turning around to get back to dad.


I had spent the whole night thinking about what happened at the bus station.

It made me strangely angry, considering that this was so very untypical of me.

Staying awake at night, thinking about a boy I mean. This wasn't me. Well, today it was.

I tried to understand Tae's actions and to sort out my own feelings, feeling like a damn alien for not even understanding myself.

The only thing comforting me was the fact that I for sure wasn't the only girl struggling with this.

On the other hand, what girl had a boy like Taehyung kissing her? I was, with no doubt, the only one. Because there isn't another boy like Taehyung.

Because Taehyung is so beautifully unique.

And the mere fact that I thought things like that showed how I totally would've kissed him back if I had have the chance to.

But, did I like him? I mean, I rejected him already.

Did I have a right to like him?

And, what occupied my thoughts the most, did he like me all of the time?

I turned around in my bed, seeing I only had two hours left till I would have to get up.

A groan left my lips and I burried my face in my pillow forcing these thoughts out of my brain and myself to sleep.

This would have to wait until I saw Tae at school.


I was early, just like almost everyday and kinda prayed that Tae wasn't for once.

I didn't feel ready to talk to him.

Because I wouldn't know what to say. Yet I had so much to say. Or to ask.

But all these conflicting thoughts disappeared when I saw the two boys blocking the schools entrance.

I usually would've not bothered them and just slipped through the door (one of the only advantages when you're small lmao) but something about the scene looked just so sketchy.

So I slowed down until I stopped completely and watched these two guys from not-so-afar.

One of them was Jaemin, the dude who kept bothering Tae at the beginning, you know the one who kicked him out of the boy's changing room.

The other one looked a bit too old to be a student, and was clad in washed out jeans and a black oversized hoodie.

Jaemin, a boy who looks like a giant next to me, looked so tiny besides the other one. Not because he was smaller, but because he looked so scared.

And let me tell you, I've never seen Jaemin scared. Not the respectless, bratty, dumb Jaemin I knew.

I stepped closer, to finally be able to listen to their conversation, hearing the raspy voice of the stranger.

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