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"You're not alone with this anymore, okay?"

My voice echoed through the dark room and was met with silence.

Then I heard shuffling and felt warm arms wrap around me like I was some life saving anchor.

"I hate being alone Y/N."

His words had been almost inaudible, a mere breath right besides my ear, a plead to not having to be alone anymore.


And that's how we ended up on my bed, staring up at the ceiling, legs dangling down the mattress while I silently listened to Taehyung's story.

"You know Catherine can't get pregnant so they decided to adopt but I guess I just didn't turn out the way they wanted."

He scoffed, "But now they have me and can't just get rid of me. However, I got adjusted to the comments at school, to the bullying and all. But my own parents not accepting me but being fucking disgusted of me? T-That's just too much."

I didn't know if I should be upset about his story or shocked that he just used the word fucking. Like damn Tae never swears. Almost.

"In Daegu s-something happened that made everything worse and we had to move. We had to move because of me. Rejun hates me because of this."

"And throughout all of this you were alone? Fuck Tae that's terrible."

He smiled bitterly, "Yes, I guess so."

I turned around, supporting my body with my left arm to look down at him, "But, why don't you stop being the way you are?  You wouldn't have to go through this anymore."

I knew what he would answer and really, I didn't expect anything else. I would've said the exact same.

"And give them what they want? That's the way I am and I should change just because they don't like it? Maybe I am a bit girly, so what? I love the way I am why should I change for other? Heck, after all I went through I won't just give up like that."

I smiled at his words, though I was sure he couldn't see it.

Maybe I am a bit girly, so what?

People bringing other to hurting themselves just because they weren't like them. One example for how low humanity has fallen.

I changed my position again so that I was now sitting cross-legged besides him, stretching my arms a bit before asking, "Can I see them?"

He stared at me for a while before also sitting up in the same position and hesitantly taking of his shirt.

I ignored the blush kreeping all over his cheeks and down his neck a leant a bit closer.

I could only make up faint white lines in the dim light, scars all over his arms stopping a few centimeters over his wrists.

They decorated his arms in a symmetric pattern a bit like a skew chessboard. I lifted my hand to gently touch an almost faded one on his shoulder.

"They are beautiful Tae." I blinked when I noticed I said this out loud and leant back again, just to see him watching me intensely.

"Y-You think so?"

"Yes, there's no need to hide them."

And I meant it. These scars were a part of him, just like his pink hair, cute freckles or pastel clothes.

He is beautiful the way he is, with every single part of his.

I smiled-
and was suddenly aware of the sight in front of me.

A shirtless Tae, messy wet hair splayed over his forehead, a slight blush gracing his handsome features and tender dim light illuminating his figure, tracing the faint marks on his arms.

Now it was on me to blush and I quickly threw his shirt at him, getting up hurriedly so that he wouldn't see my reddened cheeks, "Let's go down and pick a movie!"

I heard him chuckle behind me but he complied anyways, quickly throwing on his shirt and getting up to follow me.

Dammit Y/N get your shit together


The rest of the evening was so peaceful.

It was as if the moment in my room never happened.

We joked and laughed and ate loads of popcorn but this heavy atmosphere from earlier was non-existent.

I think I had never felt more content until this moment, as strange as it may sound.

I didn't realize it that day but Tae always completed a part of me I didn't know I was missing.

I had been happy with a my life as the lonely kid but having someone like Tae by my side made me realize how important friendship truly was.

We helped eachother becoming a better person.

Protecting eachother.

This soon would be more important than ever.


Short chapter for ya


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