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The rest of the week went by in a blur of torture. Torture, because every single thing seemed to remind me of the good times I had with my best friend. It's usually his absence in certain situations that remind me and especially lunch breaks hurt a lot. But it's also during class, where I'm suddenly all alone. My notebooks are full of weird doodles of Felix but yeah, that's history as well. I miss him terribly, even though he's acting like a dick.

It only took me one other day to decide to just skip the classes I share with him. I just can't stand being around him anymore, feeling a weird mixture of anger and an intense feeling of painful emptiness. I avoid him in the hallways and I stopped eating in the cafeteria eventually because he always managed to occupy a table too close to ours. He and Jangmi were everywhere and it even came to a point where Minho had to drag me away from home to get me to school because I simply refused to go.

What hurts the most is how easily he believed Jangmi. I was his freaking best friend, did all the years really mean that little to him? Where did the trust I thought we shared go? What the hell did that girl do to make him believe her that easily? I'm just... confused. He really tossed me away like trash and went straight to that girl. Why? Just why?

Fortunately, it's Friday now. That means a weekend free of Felix and my very first senior school party. I'm actually excited and I have a feeling that I'm spending way too much time to get ready. Luckily, classes were over relatively early today and I already went through my entire wardrobe at least twice. Not even because I want to look good, I just have no idea what you have to wear to a party like this.

Well, if it's the innocent version of those crazy drinking parties, probably something casual, right? With that in mind, I just slip on a black pair of shorts and a plain white t-shirt because I don't want to look overdressed. As I glance into the mirror, I nearly break into a fit of giggles. Am I really stressing over my outfit like a typical school girl? Looks like the stress is really getting to me.

I just decide to drop all the efforts from there on and simply rake a finger through my hair before heading downstairs. I have five minutes left to get ready and then Minho will be here, who's picking me up because I have no clue where this Bang Chan lives. I just have to slip on my shoes and I'm good to go.

"Where are you going?" Soojae asks curiously as she walks down the stairs as well. 

All of a sudden, I feel more like waiting outside. I quickly slip on my vans before I brush past my sister and go outside. Sighing deeply, I close the front door behind me and lean my back against it. Feeling defeated, I just hang my lead low. How long is this going to last? It's really wearing me out.

"Good evening, princess," a voice suddenly greets me and I look up to find Minho standing there, dressed in black ripped jeans and a black sleeveless hoodie. I blink a few times because I often keep forgetting how good he actually looks with casual clothes instead of our plain and boring school uniform.

"Does Jisung know you call me that?" I ask teasingly, my sour mood long forgotten as we embark on the -according to him- not too long walk to Chan's house.

"You don't want to know what I call him, princess is nothing compared to that so don't worry," Minho replies with a straight face and I give him a weird look.

"Ew," I scoff, sticking out my tongue in disgust. I definitely don't want to know.

A rare bright laugh bubbles from Minho's throat. "I'm just kidding, dang. Your disgusted face is priceless, though. I usually just call him Ji or squirrel, you dirty-minded teenager."

You can say what you want but I think this drama is really bringing Minho and me closer as friends. Despite the hecticness of everything that's happening, he still became much more easygoing around me and he talks a lot more than he used to. I'm grateful for that; I have no idea where I would've been without him now.

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