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The day after, I feel like I'm floating. It goes in a circle all day long; I'm happy, the realization that Felix and I are officially dating hits me again, and then I'm even happier. It gets to a point where I'm basically skipping through the hallways between classes, the stupid smile that plays on my lips drawing weird and confused looks from everyone that walks past me.

Classes weren't much better, honestly. I was spacing out massively trough all the lectures, my minder wandering to all that has happened in the past few weeks -and of course, how well it ended. Felix has become my seatmate in all our shared classes again, both ignoring the confusion we caused between our previous seatmates that took over when we were separated.

Even though we had to be silent during class to avoid detention, we shared countless quiet messages hidden in glances and secret smiles only for us to be seen. My school days have been brightened drastically, even more now that Lee Felix really is my boyfriend and Choi Jangmi is gone and probably forgotten soon.

Overall, I'm feeling really giddy and that isn't beneficial for my focus. It takes up a lot of effort and eventually, I just decided to give up and allow myself to get lost in thought that mostly revolved around the orange-haired boy occupying his seat next to me.

Lunch break finally rolling around was a true blessing.

"I am dying of hunger," Felix dramatically groans as we enter the already loaded cafeteria, his voice barely audible over the loud chattering that surrounds us in all possible directions.

"Still a dramatic ass like always, huh?" I sigh, grabbing a hold of his wrist and dragging him towards the kitchen where the cafeteria food is handed to students who didn't bring their own lunch -an amount that lessens every week, seeing how the food is absolutely disgusting.

"I know you like my dramatic ass,  Minjae," Felix earnestly states, following behind me as I beeline towards the small queue and joining the back of the line, where we both grab a clean tray from the pile.

"I never said anything about liking your ass," I scoff, drawing a breathy laugh from the other.

I decide to subtly ignore the boy and instead, give a polite smile to the old lady behind the counter. This time, the lady seems to be in a bad mood and she ignores my smile completely, dropping a load of mashed food on my tray without any emotion before she gestures me to keep walking.

I scoff again, waiting for Felix to receive his portion as well before we walk off, leaving the moody lunch lady behind to scare other students -poor freshmen, for example, who genuinely think that woman will turn them into mashed potatoes if they do anything wrong.

"Okay, let's just go and find Changbin and Minho so we can eat," I suggest, to which Felix nods in agreement.

We make our way through the student mass, searching the tables in the area we usually sit in. Our previous table has been occupied somewhere in the drama that happened but I believe Changbin said something about successfully getting a new table, whatever he means with that.

It doesn't take us long to find the two others at a table in the far back of the cafeteria. While Changbin is eating in silence, Minho scrolls through something on his phone with a faint smile.

"Hyung, are you looking at pictures of Jisung again?" Felix curiously asks, attempting to glance over Minho's shoulder before he sits down next to him.

Minho quickly shuts off his phone and tosses it on the table, screen facing downward.

"Hello, Lix. Ever heard of privacy?" the raven-haired defensively speaks, shooting Felix a pointed look. "Plus, what if I was?"

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