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Unfortunately, not everything went according to plan.

I only realized my mistake the day after, when school was already over. It was already too late at that time, impossible to be fixed.

"Felix, I'm so sorry," I exclaim for the umpteenth time, deeply ashamed of myself. "I guess I was just too excited and-"

I may or may not have forgotten to inform the student administration about Felix' sudden absence, resulting in my friend to receive four hours of detention spread over two days.

"I told you it's okay, don't worry," the orange-haired boy awkwardly chuckles, repeating the same sentence over and over as I keep apologizing. "I mean, I got a huge part of my homework done and- yeah." 

Students look at us weirdly as we stand in the hallway outside of the detention classroom, where we've been standing here ever since Felix' first detention was over ten minutes ago.

I huff out a breath, glancing around the with a troubled expression. Lord, this is so awkward.

It remains silent for a while and we both have no idea what to say or do. While I feel guilty -I'm sure Felix would've stayed home for another day if it wasn't for the two hours of detention, the other looks around nervously, swallowing while raking a hand through his hair.

"You haven't changed one bit, huh?" Felix remarks after a while, looking at me with a small and reluctant smile. "You still forget everything, only to feel really guilty afterward."

I just nod sheepishly and my friend -I don't think I can still call him my best friend after everything that went down- heaves out a heavy sigh.

"Look, Min. It's really okay, I'm not mad," he starts, giving me a reassuring look. "I just... Why did you wait for two hours?"

Now it's my turn to swallow and I shrug my shoulders dismissingly. That's a good question, why did I wait for two hours? It's not like I have anything better to do but I just spent two whole hours outside of the detention classroom, waiting for Felix to get out. Did I do it because I felt guilty and responsible for his detention?

I've really spent two hours doing nothing but staring at the wall in front of me, not even listening to music. I was just thinking about stuff, questions I want answers to. Those two hours made me realize Felix and I will have a whole lot of talking to do. For example, what was his exact relationship with Jangmi? Another nagging question is why he kissed me that night. It was my first kiss ever and I think I have the right to know why he took it. I think I deserve to know at least most parts of the truth since everything affected me too.

There are so many questions inside my head but I know now isn't the time to press for answers.

"I don't know why I waited," I truthfully reply. "Maybe I just felt like it." 

"I know you often do random things without a reason," Felix admits before giving me a pointed look. "But I know that isn't really the case now. Look, if you want to talk about everything that happened, just say it. The sooner I get it off my chest, the better."

The hallway is nearly empty now, apart from a few janitors that walk by without paying us any attention. We've been here for a while now and we're the only ones that are apparently crazy enough to stay here, even after detention ended twenty minutes ago.

"I might want some answers to a few things that have been bothering me," I admit, sliding down the wall until I'm on the floor, trying to find a somewhat comfortable position before I motion Felix to do the same.

He follows my example and I'm glad when he sits a bit closer than we did yesterday.

"Just ask anything you want and I'll give you the truth, Min," the boy mutters, staring at his shoes.

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