
As Willow

I'm here waiting for my mom at the restaurant. Adrian asked me if I wanted him to be here, I told him it was okay. I actually was at the bar earlier and I have had a few shots already. I needed it to calm my nerves. I saw my mom when she walked in and she walked so fast to me "My baby... I missed you." She kisses me and I kiss her back "Hi mom." I look at her and it seems like she aged a little but still so beautiful. Her beauty is truly timeless.

We sat down and I poured her a glass of wine "Did you drive tonight?" She shakes her head "No I called for a driver

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We sat down and I poured her a glass of wine "Did you drive tonight?" She shakes her head "No I called for a driver. You know darling... I would love to see your house." That's true, she hasn't seen my home yet "Sure mom... maybe after dinner I can give you a house tour?" She reaches over and strokes the back of my head "That would be so nice. Let mommy look at you darling, you lost some weight." I touch my face "Maybe just a few pounds but I'll gain it back when everything goes back to normal."

When our food came, I knew we both didn't really have an appetite. I kept on drinking my wine and so was my mom. She lets out a long sigh "Darling... I know you think I have something to do with Liz's death." I take a huge gulp of my wine "Mom... you didn't like Liz. Who else would want her dead?" I turn to look at her dead in the eyes "Plus... she was carrying dad's babies." She covers her face with her hands shaking her head "Is that how you see me? A woman so heartless, so conniving that I would kill another woman with a child in her womb." I put my hand on her arm "Mom I don't know what to think. You know the twin boys have no mother now because someone mercilessly killed their mother right when she was ready to give birth. She would have been there to see her baby boys but instead she's buried ten feet under now. The boys will grow up with no mother. Dad was so happy with Liz, he really was. I've never seen him happier. And now that killer took away his happiness for no reason." I started to sob because I drank and I felt God was not fair to take away someone so young and precious to us. Liz was going to be such a wonderful mother. My mom sees me crying and she leans over and wraps her arms around my shoulders, pulling me close to her "I'm so sorry I really am. I know now how you perceive me as a woman that would go to extreme measures to get what I want. But don't forget for a second that I'm your mother and I love you unconditionally. Maybe I have been loving you a different way than how every mother loved their child. But you are my daughter Willow. I gave birth to you." I wipe away my tears and back away from her "You slept with the man that I loved. The man I was going to marry. The man that was going to be the father to my kids. How could you? If you truly loved me, you wouldn't have done such a thing. Such a horrifying thing to sleep with your daughter's man. You could have had any men, mother... but you chose Milo. Why? Because it was convenient and easy?" She has tears streaming down her face "Darling... I was jealous of you. I watched you as you blossomed into this beautiful woman and I was jealous... you were growing up and I was growing old. I wanted your beauty and your youth. Then when I found out about you and Milo... I just wanted to prove to myself that I can also have what you have. And that was Milo. He was going through a bad time because he found out about Liz and your dad. Sheldon took his Liz away and I knew he wanted to take you away from your dad. Milo knew how precious you were to your Sheldon, his only child. I guessed what started out as a revenge became more than what he has planned. He fell for you and I knew it was time to end things between you and him." We are both sobbing and I ask her again "Did you have anything to do with Liz's murder mom. Tell me the truth." She looks me in the eyes "I don't have anything to do with Liz's murder. Yes I was not happy that she and your dad were going to have a baby,, but I wouldn't go that far and have her killed. Can you imagine me, Jacqueline Grayson, locked up in a jail for life?" That is true too. My mom wouldn't survive a day being locked up in jail. But still... jealousy can make us all do crazy things "I just hope the police catches whoever killed Liz soon. When they do, I'm going to make sure that they get what they deserved. To take away a precious life just like that." My mom was about to say something and Adrian showed up "Hi... I'm sorry. Am I interrupting?" He comes over and sits down next to me "I wanted to drop by and say hi." I smile at him "Thanks for coming by. Have you eaten? Order something to eat." He looks at our plates "You two didn't touch your food." My mom gets up "I have to go to the ladies room, I'll be back." As soon as she is gone, Adrian asks "Is everything okay? You are both crying." I take out a mirror from my purse "Oh my god... my makeup." Adrian chuckles "You still look good G. Why don't you come back to my place tonight?" I give him a smile "My mom wants to check out my place. You want to come with us? You can stay the night." He leans over and kisses my temple "Yea... I'm worried about you. I just want to make sure you are okay." My mom comes back sits down "Are we ready to go?" I reply "Yea... come check out my home. The view is gorgeous at night."


As Adrian

I was worried about Willow because I knew it was not going to be pleasant having dinner with Jacqueline. Willow has so much doubts and questions in her head as to Liz's murder. She told me her mom was the only one that had a true motive. I said to her "What if it was Milo. You never know because he and Liz had a history and I meant Liz was the love of his life. Then she got together with your dad and was going to have his babies." She looked at me and gasped "No way Adrian. Milo and Liz had a special bond... Yes she cheated on Milo with my dad but Milo has already moved on. There is no way he would want Liz dead. Milo loved Liz as a friend. You got it all wrong Adrian." I couldn't believe she has such a huge reaction when it came to Milo "I was just stating the possibilities. I didn't say he did it. Sometimes you think you know a person well, but you really don't." She put up her hand and told me to stop "I am not going to let anyone accuse Milo. I trust him because I know him well. You don't know Milo at all."

We are now back at Willow's place and Jacqueline is staring out the window looking at the gorgeous city lights "This is beautiful darling. You found a great place." Willow goes to stand beside her "Liz was the one that found this place for me. I have to thank her."

I walk over to Willow and wrap an arm around her waist "You doing okay?" She whispers "Yea

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I walk over to Willow and wrap an arm around her waist "You doing okay?" She whispers "Yea... I'm missing the twins." I know she has grown so attached to the boys "We would have our own kids one day." I am waiting for a response but she doesn't say anything. Her phone rings and she goes to pick it up "Hey Milo... No I'm staying at my place tonight. How are the boys? How's my dad?" I look over at her and she has such a huge smile on her face unlike earlier "Oh I miss them so much too. Please give them kisses for me." Although I cannot hear what Milo is saying to her but Willow is laughing "You wish... I'll see you guys tomorrow. Sweet dreams." After she hangs up, she walks over to Jacqueline "Mom... you can stay in the guest room tonight. You can wear one of my PJs." Jacqueline smiles "Sounds perfect. I'm going to go wash up and head to bed. You two enjoy the rest of the night."

When it is just the two of us, I start to kiss Willow. At first it was just a gentle kiss and as I began to deepen the kiss, she moved away from me "I'm sorry Adrian. I had a long night." I draw her into my chest "I understand. I'll hold you to sleep okay?" She nods against my chest "Thank you for understand." I stroke her back up and down comforting her "I love you G." She murmurs "I love you too."

I wanted to make love to her tonight. Especially after I saw how she was on the phone with Milo, she was so happy. When I asked her that night about getting engaged first, she again made up some excuses. She told me that there was no need to get engaged because people can still break up. I don't like the idea that she sees Milo every single day now because of the twins or because of her dad. It really pisses me off. There has to be a way to be rid of Milo... to make her realize that Milo is still the same Milo that would hurt her and disappoint her. Willow belongs to me and nobody can get in my way.

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