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Present Day

The bell sounded to alert everyone that the end of lunch was over and they had about 15 minutes to make it to their next class. Alan calmly stood up and stretched, giving a deep sigh not too long after.

I was such an innocent dumbass... and somehow I still find myself in the worst situations. Maybe I really should kill Thomas. I'm a minor... maybe my sentence will be light.

As he pondered over the possibility of how he could actually get away with murder, he opened the study room and exited, closing the door behind him to head back into the main area of the library, stopping short as he saw that Daniel was walking around quietly.

"Daniel?" Alan stated, rather confused by his presence.

Hearing his name, Daniel looked over quickly, a very happy smile coming to his face when he caught sight of Alan, walking over towards him.

OMG, don't give me that dorky, giddy smile as you stroll your fine ass over here, you fucking gorgeous man.

"I don't know why, but I had a feeling you would be hiding in here, Moogle." Daniel spoke with a laugh.

"Cause I'm a certified nerd?" Alan joked with a laugh of his own. "What are you doing in here?"

"I was looking for you." Daniel replied, lightly poking Alan on the forehead playfully. "You didn't reply to my text message, so I figured I'd check on you. You doing alright?"

Just... marry me. Be my gay husband already.

A small smile came to Alan's face, nodding to mask the fact that he was mentally and emotionally exhausted. But, Daniel still had the ability to make him feel elated during these periods of stress and sadness. "I'm ok... but, I have a question."

"Sure, Moogle. Shoot." Daniel said, curious.

"You said that... I could have anything for helping you with the curse, right?" Alan asked, a bit nervous.

"That's right! It's part of the deal of the curse, or more so something my family created to thank individuals for sacrificing themselves to help." Daniel confirmed. "Why? You have an idea of what you want?"

Alan listened to Daniel speak carefully, taking the information in as he contemplated what he could do with this opportunity. The thought of getting rid of Thomas actually crossed his mind, but he felt that would just be messy and probably make Daniel view him in a completely different light. What he really wanted was a way of telling Daniel the truth, as that was eating at him the more time passed. But how could he accomplish that? And did he really need to make a deal to do that, when he could just tell Daniel himself?

"I think... I do." Alan stated, rubbing the back of his neck uneasily.

"Ok, what is it?" Daniel asked with a smile, his attention focused on Alan entirely.

He's gonna hate me... he's going to be angry with me... but I have to tell him. I don't... want to keep secrets from him anymore.

"Daniel... I-"

"Excuse me...?"

They both looked over towards the library entrance to see another student standing there, looking rather lost.

"Is... the librarian back yet?" a girl, who was Asian, asked.

"Ah, no, but she should be soon." Alan stated. "Did you... need something?"

"I wanted to rent out a book for class..." the girl stated with a smile, before frowning at him, then pointing at him with surprise. "OH, you're the boy from earlier today!"

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