Hormones (Part 1)

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Spring, 3 years ago.

As always, he was the last one to actually get to the spot that they agreed on as a group. For some reason, it took forever for his parents to fall asleep, not giving him the opportunity to immediately climb out of his bedroom window and down the big oak tree in his backyard when he got the text message from Nicolette and Thomas.

"I swear, I'm coming now." Alan whispered through his phone.

"You always take forever. We've been here for a good 10 minutes." Nicolette groaned on the other end of the phone, Thomas laughing slightly in the background.

"It's not my fault that my dad refuses to go to bed. He's a freakin' night-owl." Alan shot back as he quickly rounded the corner of his neighborhood block.

"Sounds like someone else we know..." Thomas spoke through the phone in a teasing manner.

"Hey, you guys are up too. Can't pin this all on me." Alan teased back with a grin as he continued running down the street, before rounding another corner and into a brush of bushes and small trees. He turned on the flashlight on his smartphone as he made his way through the wooded area. "Why couldn't your parents have built your studio in a nice, open area? Why does it have to be behind the house, down the massive hill at the bottom of your property?"

"No clue. I'm still surprised they built it to begin with." Thomas said, his tone surprised. "I was joking when I asked for it, but my dad was actually serious about it."

"I mean, isn't that how it is for rich kids, anyway?" Nicolette teased, only to hear Thomas sigh in annoyance.

"I'm not rich, Nikki. My dad just got a huge promotion and he's being.... what did my mom call it...?"

"Egotistical and arrogant?" Alan spoke, hearing Nicolette and Thomas laugh.

"I mean, that's a blunt way to put it. She said 'alpha' or something like that." Thomas added.

"So, he's a regular ape, basically." Alan stated as he walked through the door of the cabin to see Nicolette and Thomas resting on the couch, watching them both turn around to face him quickly.

"Took you long enough." Nicolette teased with a smirk.

"Next time, you figure out a way to get my dad to sleep and I'll come faster." Alan joked back, closing the door behind him.

"Sleeping pills in his food sounds like a good option..." Nicolette joked.

"No need to drug anybody just to watch a show, guys." Thomas followed-up. "Glad you could make it. Let's get to it! GoT starts in about 2 minutes. I already got snacks." Thomas added, pointing to the large coffee table in front of them, filled with bags of chips, drinks and popcorn.

"Yassss, snacks!" Alan exclaimed happily rushing over and plopping onto the couch in-between them both.

"You'd make a good drag queen." Nicolette said with a laugh, only to see Alan strike a slight pose.

"I'd be fabulous, is what you meant to say." Alan added, only to see both his friends laugh.

"Get you some good eyeliner and make a solid cat-eye, a blonde wig and you'd.be.set." Nicolette spoke, adding snaps to the last bit.

"I'd be more curious about his choice of dress." Thomas questioned; an eyebrow raised as he thought about it.

"Green, slim fitting dress. Duh. Brings out my eyes." Alan quickly responded with a slight huff.

"You've thought about this more than I would've imagined." Nicolette said with a laugh, grabbing the remote and turning up the volume.

"I mean, why wouldn't I? Never know when it could happen." Alan joked back, settling against the couch comfortably.

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