Chapter 7. "Mic Drop"

Start from the beginning

"Oh, yeah sure. Sorry 'bout that."

She moves past me and I come in behind her, "Mr. Williams."

I turn to see Mr. Snik with Vincent and two adults, probably his parents if I had to guess. "That's my name sir, lovely weather today."

"So your the kid that hurt our precious baby!" The women glares down at me.

"No comment." I say blankly.

"How dare you be so disrespectful!" She huffs immaturely in which I chuckle quietly.

"Anyways what's this about?" I ask turning to the principal.

"This is a chance to not have to apologize in front of the whole school." He says snidely.

"How do you suppose that?"

"You apologize directly to them, that's how I suppose."

I look from him to Vincent then to his parents then I zone out a second,

'What's the worse thing that could happen?'

'Should I just apologize now?'

'Wait, I shouldn't have to in the first place!'

"Sorry sir, no can do. Guess you're gonna have to wait to watch my debut!" I say snidely back.

"Ugh! I can't believe people like you exist! Omegas always were a waste of space!" The mom screams in my face as she storms out, her quite husband walking swiftly after her.

"Mr. Williams, my office now. Mr. Lee please sit out here and wait." Vincent gives him a nod and glares at me.

We walk into the office and the principal slams his door closed, "Why couldn't you just apologize, huh? Would it hurt you to just say a simple 'I'm sorry.', Would it?"

"But sir I'm not the only person who needs to apologize!"

He whips from his position at the door to right up in my face, "Mr. Lee's family practically owns this school if my bosses hear about this I'll lose my job, all because you didn't want to apologize."

He grabs me roughly by the arm squeezing it tightly, "Uh, sir-"

"Maybe I could just convince you to apologize right now! Huh? How would you like to be thrown around like most omegas?"

My eyes widen and my heart beats out of my chest as he grabs me by the collar and shoves me to the floor.

"All omegas are just toys, thrown around for good fun, you should've seen something like this coming."

I'm frozen in shock as he holds me down, I want to scream but only whimpers come out of my mouth as he starts pulling out his belt.

"S-Sir, you could get in a he-ell of a lot more trouble for this than...than...than for me not apologizing!"

His eyes are wild as he starts to grope my lower regions, "Let go!" Tears streak down my face as I thrash.

"Sir! Mrs. Russo is on line one, she needed to update you on the meeting you missed this morning!" An angel's voice calls from the hallway.

I sigh in relief as I hear her, Mr. Snik looks down at my trembling form. "Alright thank you!" He shouts back.

I hear the lady leave, he still sits on top of me but unmoving, "Are you going to apologize?" He asks me threateningly, I nod my head quickly.

The Cries of a Broken Omega [BxB Omegaverse]Where stories live. Discover now