"The Vanishing spell is...it's...ummm... Evisco?"

"Evanesco," Farrah corrected him, "The Vanishing spell is Evanesco."

"Right, thank you, Farrah," Josh said. He continued to pace, "And the spell to undo a transformation is..."

"Reparifarge," Regulus answered, twirling the ends of Farrah's hair.

"Right, thank you, Regulus."

"Joshy," Farrah started as she sat up, "Not that I don't love the whole pacing like a madman thing that you've got going on-"

"Ha ha ha."

"Wouldn't you like to get something to eat?" she continued, ignoring his interruption, "We could go down to the kitchens, grab a snack or two, try again later?"

"I can't do that, Farrah," Josh answered, "I've got no time."

"There's always time for a snack!"

Regulus interjected, "Actually, there isn't. And Josh is right. He has no time. Even this conversation about him not having time is setting him back four minutes which he could have used to memorize the five Principal Exceptions to Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration."

Josh gave the Muggleborn a look that said 'See what I'm talking about?' before he continued pacing and rattling off random information. Farrah sighed, returning to her original position with her head in Regulus' lap. 

This is going to be a very long two weeks, she thought.

 And she was right.

The fortnight of exams seemed to drag on, every afternoon feeling like a week within itself. The exams themselves were not the problem for Farrah as she thoroughly enjoyed being tested on things that she learnt. 

The problem was the anxious hours spent after the exam was written, filled with Farrah second-guessing every word she had written on the paper. She would sit in silence, mind racing with whether or not she had spelt the words correctly

"Farrah, you're fine," Regulus said as the pair left their last exam for the OWL season. 

They had barely made it out of the Great Hall and the Muggleborn was already rambling around the different possibilities for what she had written on the parchment.

"I don't know, Reggie," she said with a frown, "I just feel like I could have done more."

"The only thing more you could have done was charm the paper to compliment the examiner and grade itself."

Farrah rolled her eyes at his comment but said nothing else. Pushing her worries aside, she did have to admit she was grateful for the beginning of the vacation. She would get to go home, relax and spend time with her brother.


She mentally cursed. Months had passed since Christmas and she still hadn't spoken to her brother. She wanted to apologize to him but it didn't feel like the kind of thing she should say over letter; and even when she did try to write, it ended up being her staring at the paper for hours.

"Are you listening to me?" 

Regulus' voice cut through her thoughts, pulling her from her mind and back to the corridor. 

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I was saying," he started, "I'm supposed to meet Josh on the Quidditch field for us to fly around for a bit."

"Oh, okay," Farrah replied, "I'll be in the common room then."

"No, no, no. You should come with me. Spend some time with us."

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