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  ❝ Happiness is a choice and it's one that I choose to make everyday.
You could let the darkness and despair swallow you whole or you could be your own
light and shine your way out of it. ❞   

   ❝ She tried to teach him that he could be his own light in the darkness
but he was too busy being blinded by her smile to see that.
She tried to show him that he could brighten up his own day just like
the stars brightened the night sky but he was too busy thinking
that she shone bright enough for the both of them.
She tried to tell him that he could bring himself happiness with simple things
but he was too busy saying that once she was around,
he wouldn't need to.❞

{both quotes are mine}

sanguine ⏩ sirius blackWhere stories live. Discover now