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ON THE SATURDAY MORNING AFTER THE FIRST week of school, Farrah was surprisingly awoken by the shouts of Regulus and Josh that were coming from the common room. The two were unable to enter the girls' dormitory (a rule that they both found to be very unfair as Farrah burst into their room whenever she felt like it) so they stood at the entrance of the dorms, screaming her name until she came up to meet them.

"Holy Salazar, go and shut your puppies up, MacMillan!" one of the girls shouted.

Farrah groaned and unwillingly pushed herself off of her bed. The girl shoved her feet into a pair of bedroom slippers and stood up, wrapping her blanket around her before she exited her dormitory and started to walk up the stairs. As she walked up the stairs, she yawned, her breath turning into a visible cloud. Farrah was in her fifth year of schooling which meant that her dormitory was five flights deeper than the Slytherin common room.

(She personally thought that that was cruel to the older years as they had to walk up multiple flights of stairs to get to their common room and then another set of stairs to get to their classes but the school had been prejudiced against Slytherin from the beginning so there was nothing she could do about that.)

"FARR- Oh, there you are," Josh said as the girl entered the common room.

"Puppies. Shut up," Farrah said, her eyes partially closed as the girl was still half asleep, "You. Too Much Noise. Me. Other girls. Sleep. Shhh."

"No can do, Farrah," Regulus said, "Don't you know what day it is?"

The dark-haired girl shook her head and rubbed her eyes before she opened them. She took one look at the boys' apparel and mentally groaned as they were wearing their Quidditch uniforms and had their broomsticks slung over their shoulders, Josh holding a bat in his left hand.

"Why in the name of Merlin would you guys have Quidditch try-outs before dawn?" she asked with a yawn.

Josh smiled, "Because no one would be up this early to spy on us."

Farrah nodded, "Okay, fine. Give me five minutes and I'll be back."

In the next fifteen minutes, the Slytherin trio were making their way onto the Quidditch pitch. Farrah clasped her hands together and blew into them, the chilly air of the early morning making the hairs on her arms stand up.

"Good luck," she told the boys as the Slytherin captain called them over. She then made her way over to the stands and took a seat, watching the try-outs and cheering on her friends when it was their chance. To no one's surprise, both Josh and Regulus made it back on the team as Regulus had been a Seeker on the team since his second year and Josh, a Beater, since his third.

By the time try-outs ended and the new Slytherin team had done a few practice drills (to ensure that they all worked well together), the sun was well up in the sky and students had started to wake up and come outside. Josh and Regulus landed close to the stands and approached Farrah who was waiting on the pitch to greet them, the girl beaming at them almost as brightly as the sun.

Farrah pinched her nose as the boys stood in front of her, "Good job, boys. I'm very proud of you."

They both laughed at the girl's antics and Regulus spoke, "Thanks, Farrah."

The trio stood there for a while, discussing the highlights of the try-outs until they were interrupted by a loud voice.

"Oi, no snakes on the pitch!"

The three friends turned their heads to the source of the voice and were not surprised to see that a band of Gryffindors had made their way onto the pitch. Leading the group was none other than James Potter and Sirius Black themselves, with Remus and Peter following behind them.

Josh rolled his eyes, "And this is where I make my exit. Even the Quidditch pitch isn't big enough for their egos."

"Ain't that the truth," Regulus agreed, watching his brother with narrowed eyes, "I'm gonna hit the showers before we go to breakfast."

Farrah nodded and was about to offer to go down and get their food for them when she saw Peter gesture for her to come over to where they were sitting. She waved at the short Gryffindor before telling her friends, "I'll meet you guys at breakfast in a few. Now hurry up and go shower, you smell like spoilt milk in a desert."

The dark-haired girl left the Slytherins and walked over to where Peter and Remus were sitting with a smile on her face.

"You're here early," Remus said as she stood in front of them, "I thought Saturday was Farrah's sleep-in day."

Peter pointed out, "Well, Slytherins did have their try-outs earlier. The question is, if you didn't try out, what were you doing there?"

Farrah folded her arms across her chest, "You and Remus aren't trying out for the team, what are you two here for?"

"Moral support," the two Gryffindors answered in unison.

Raising an eyebrow, she asked, "Support for who? Potter and Black's egos get to heavy for them to carry on their own?"

"Actually, MacMillan," James said, throwing an arm around the girl's shoulder, "We can carry our egos just fine, but thanks for the concern."

The Slytherin smiled at the bespectacled boy, "Just looking out for you. We'd hate for Gryffindor's star player to be put out of commission because he hurt his back carrying around his pride."

The Seeker hit Farrah his signature smirk, "I'm not the Seeker you should be worrying out."

"Reggie can hold his own on the pitch, can the same be said about your Black?"


"Woah, woah, woah," Remus interjected, "Let's stop this before someone gets injured."

Farrah waved the boy off, "Relax the cacks, Remmy. It's just a bit of friendly banter, right, Potter?"

James nodded, "Yeah, Remmy. Banter."

The werewolf rolled his eyes and was about to retort when a whistle cut them off. Their gazes shifted to Sirius who was eyeing Farrah, "We said no snakes on the pitch."

"Ssssorry, Ssssirius," the girl replied with a smile. She nudged James in the side before shooting a look at Remus and Peter, "Usual place, usual time?"

They nodded and the girl left the group of boys with a smile, leaving Sirius to watch after her in curiosity as she walked off the pitch. As they went back to the group of Gryffindors, Sirius asked, "Who is she?"

"Farrah MacMillan," James answered, "Fifth year. Hangs out with your brother and that Harper kid a lot."

"The MacMillans have a daughter that age? I never saw her at the dinners. And I'd remember seeing her."

"Awww," James said, "Does wittle Sirius have a crush on the snake?"

Sirius shoved James to the side as the Seeker laughed. Shaking his head, the Black responded, "I'm just saying, I'd remember seeing her at the meetings."

James shrugged, "I don't know, maybe she's like you. Shunned from the family because she has morals and values."

Turning his head to watch Farrah disappear into the castle, Sirius murmured, "Maybe."

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