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SIRIUS HID BEHIND THE CORNER OF A wall, cursing James under his breath for keeping the cloak with him. It was the Potter's idea after all, to split up and cover more ground, but the bespectacled boy had insisted on keeping the cloak for himself. Now, it looked like that choice was going to land Sirius into another detention.

Please be Moony, please be Moony, please be Moony, Sirius thought as he heard the footsteps coming closer to him. However, as the person grew nearer, his spirits fell as he realized that the footsteps were too light to belong to Remus.

Please don't be Evans, please don't be Evans, please don't be Evans.

"What'ssss up, Ssssirius?" Farrah asked as she stuck her head around the corner, a bright smile gracing her lips.

The boy groaned as he rocked his head back onto the wall, "Just great."

"You seem a bit despondent for someone who's feeling great."

"What?" the Black said in confusion as he turned his head to the girl, "No, that was sarcasm. Can't you sense what sarcasm is?"

Farrah shrugged, "I tend not to sense anything that comes from prats, it gives me a bad energy."

Sirius stared at her but the girl continued as if his gaze meant nothing, "But what's got you down? Fight with your friends? Lost your homework? Having problems looking for your brain?"

"Wha-no!" he exclaimed.

The Muggleborn sighed in relief, "Oh, wonderful. We would have had to wake up the entire castle to get a search party large enough to look for that."

Flabbergasted, Sirius stammered out, "Wha-uh-um-no, I have a brain!"

"I'm sure you do," Farrah replied with a chuckle, "But if your brain was even a fraction of the size of your ego, you would have made it into Ravenclaw, no questions asked."

"Don't you have anything better to do?" Sirius asked the girl, narrowing his eyes at her.

"Better than patrolling the halls after curfew? I would but app- wait, it's after curfew."

The smile that was on her face shifted into a smirk as Sirius gulped. The boy tried to play it cool but the mischievous glint in the Slytherin's eyes told him that it already clicked to her.

"Oh no, lookssss like Ssssirius should have ssstayed in Gryffindor Tower," she teased.

The Black groaned, "Stop with the hissing already. Do you plan to give me a detention or can I get on with my life?"

"Stop being such a prissy," she said, "I ought to take 10 points from Gryffindor just for your mouth. Not to mention the amount I'd have to take because of your enormous head and pompous attitude."

Sirius rolled his eyes, "Obviously, you're wasting my time here so I'm leaving."

The boy started to walk away from the prefect, shaking his head as he walked. He was expecting her to call him back and give him the detention he was supposed to get but when he looked back, she had disappeared. Sirius stopped, but then continued his trek back to Gryffindor Tower, thoughts of Farrah MacMillan burning at the back of his mind.

~ ~ ~

Three days later, Sirius was still itching with curiosity at the prospect of the Slytherin girl. He had spent the past few days observing her and there was one thing that remained constant, no matter where she was, who she was with or what time of day it was.

"Am I the only one who finds it irking that this girl never stops smiling?" Sirius asked, cutting off whatever the Marauders were talking about, his eyes focused on Farrah.

The rest of the boys followed his gaze and James shook his head, "Nah, there's a reason they call her Smiley Slytherin. She never stops smiling."

Peter added, "She just likes to be happy."

"I get that, I really do," Sirius replied, "But she was smiling during a History of Magic class. And taking notes! How can you be happy while listening to Binns go on and on about goblins?"

Remus shrugged, about to answer when he stopped and shot Sirius a look, "Wait, how do you know what she's like during her History of Magic lessons?"

Three pairs of eyes shifted from the Slytherin table and landed on the ebony-haired boy. Sirius shrugged in response, "I happened to have a free period and was walking on the first floor and saw her."

James rose an eyebrow at Sirius, "We have all our free periods together and we spent them mapping the sixth and seventh floors."

The Black boy shook his head, "No, no, we passed by there yesterday."

"We don't have any free periods on a Friday."

"Well," Sirius argued, "It was probably the day before that."

"Farrah only has History of Magic on a Friday," Remus said, "While we have the double Transfiguration."

"The same Transfiguration class that you were 'too sick to attend' yesterday," Peter smirked as he leaned towards Sirius, "Why, Padfoot, you didn't skip Transfiguration to go spy on Farrah, did you?"

With the pressure of his three best mates' stares on him, Sirius cracked, "Okay, okay, so I skipped the class but only to map out the first floor. While I was there, I happened to see her."

"But we've already mapped the first floor," James said, "Since last year."

"Yeah, but that was in my pranking journal which is lost. So I felt like I should start something, you know."

"All I'm hearing," Peter said, "Is that Sirius fancies Farrah."

While the three Marauders teased the fourth about his new crush, the Slytherin trio was on the other side of the Hall, having their own discussion.

"Have you given the book back to your brother yet?" Farrah asked Regulus as he took a bite out of his chicken.

The boy shook his head, swallowing before he answered, "Haven't gotten the chance."

With a mouthful of chicken, a leg in one hand and a roll in the next, Josh asked, "Sirius can read?"

Farrah and Regulus stared at their friend in disgust before the latter answered, "Yes, and he can chew with his mouth closed and swallow before speaking."

Josh glared at Regulus but said nothing. Shaking her head, Farrah asked Regulus again, "And why don't you just give it to him now?"

Regulus replied, "I don't know if he's in a good enough mood that he could stand looking at me today."

"Let me find out," Farrah said. The girl stood up and before Regulus could stop her, she shouted, "Oi, Remus!"

The werewolf perked up and turned to her, the rest of the Hall following suit as the place became quiet, "Farrah?"

The Muggleborn nodded her head towards Sirius, "Reggie wants to know if Sirius is up to talking him today or if he's being a little bitch again."

Beside Farrah, Josh choked on his food as the rest of students started to laugh. At the front of the Hall, the few teachers who were there stared at the girl in shock. Professor McGonagall called out, "Miss MacMillan!"

"Sorry, Professor," the girl apologized with a smile, "Just telling it as it is."

The Slytherin sat down and continued eating her dinner, Regulus staring at her speechlessly. She looked up at him as she swallowed a piece of pie, "Use your words, Reggie."

"What am I gonna do with you?" he said with a sigh.

Farrah grinned, "You could get me cheesecake from the kitchens and do my Potions homework for the week."

"Really? I was thinking more along the lines of throwing you in the lake at three in the morning."

She nudged him, "You love me."

"Unfortunately, I do."

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