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"SIRIUS, ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?" Remus asked, nudging his best friend.

"Honestly Moony, for a blissful moment, I didn't even realize you were speaking."

Remus scowled, turning his attention away from Sirius and back to his breakfast. The Marauders were back at school after the Christmas vacation and they were ready to start the new year off with a bang. They had planned an array of fireworks to light up the night sky after curfew as well as a nice party to get everyone who went home resettled in.

However, to say Sirius had been absentminded in planning the events would be saying the least.

"What are you looking for, mate?" James asked, following Sirius' gaze to the door, "Or, well, who?"

Sirius didn't answer.

The truth was, he couldn't tell his friends that he was looking for the MacMillan girl because that would mean telling them about the night they spent together. While he knew that Remus and Peter and the girl were close, he didn't know if she had shared that information with them. What he did know was that he wasn't even supposed to know that information and he felt dirty knowing that he did. He spent the entire vacation with Farrah on his mind. Now, more than ever, she confused him.

"You know what I want to know?" Sirius asked, not taking his eyes off the door and cutting off whatever his friends were saying. When no one said anything, he continued, "I want to know who's invited to this party later that's not from Gryffindor."

There was a moment of silence before James started answering, "The usuals from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, the Prefects so they won't be on our asses about it, word would have gotten to the younger ones so we can expect a few stragglers..."

"We invited Farrah," Peter chimed in, gesturing to himself and Remus, "So they can be expected."

There was no need for him to ask who 'they' were. Of course, the girl wouldn't go anywhere without her two best friends. He wouldn't traipse into a party without the boys at his side.

Sirius opened his mouth to say something but then, the person he was waiting for stormed into the Hall and demanded all eyes on her.

"Oh my Godric Gryffindor," Remus murmured, his eyes wide at the sight of the Slytherin girl.

Farrah MacMillan had finally entered the Great Hall, with the biggest grin Sirius had ever seen slapped onto her face. Regulus and Josh were standing behind her, sharing a look that Sirius couldn't quite make out. Although, he had no doubts it was in reference to the girl standing in front of them. She turned around, said something to them and the two boys went to the Slytherin table while Farrah made her way to the Gryffindor table.

"Boys, boys," she started as she slid in between Peter and James who were sitting opposite to Remus and Sirius, "How have my favorite band of mischief makers been?"

Before anyone could answer, Peter blurted out, "Farrah, your hair!"

The fifth year ran a hand through her now-red locks, "It's fierce, ain't it?"

"Wow MacMillan," James said, "I know you wanted to be in the better house but I didn't think you'd dye your hair to prove it."

"Ha ha," Farrah replied, "Trust me, Potter. This color was a last resort. It was the only one that they had because no one wants to use it."

James rolled his eyes and Farrah continued, "But the real reason I'm here-"

"Oh, so you don't come by just to annoy us? Shocker," Sirius muttered under his breath.

Farrah reached out across the table and pinched his cheek, causing the boy to pull back from her, "Not to worry, Ssssssirius. I misssssssssed you too."

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