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"BOYS, BOYS! TIME TO WAKE UP!" FARRAH yelled as she entered the fifth-years boy dormitory. There was a collective groan from the only two occupied beds in the room (the rest of the boys had learnt that by a certain time, Farrah would storm up here to get her friends, so they'd get up and out before that time).

"Regulus," Josh said, his voice muffled as his head was still buried in his pillow, "Shut your girlfriend up."

"I wish she was my girlfriend," Regulus replied, "So then I could make her shut up."

Farrah rolled her eyes, "We've known each other for what? Five years? Not one morning can you two surprise me and be up on time."

Farrah approached the boys' beds (which were coincidentally right next to each other) and tugged off both of their blankets. The two of them groaned again, complaints falling out of their mouths as Farrah shook her head. She dropped their blankets on the floor, "Ten minutes. If you're both not up and ready in ten minutes, I'll be back with a serious wake-up call."

The girl exited the boys' dorm and entered her own, getting her things for the day organized. She had gone down to breakfast early to get the trio's schedule and as she packed her bag, she checked off what she had to do for the day in her head.

Exactly ten minutes later, she reentered the boys' dorm only to find both Regulus and Josh on the floor, cuddled with their blankets, asleep.

"Simple instructions," Farrah murmured to herself as she went into the bathroom and filled two buckets of cold water, "I give them simple instructions and they just don't listen to me."

Using her wand to levitate the buckets over the heads of the two boys, Farrah said, "Last warning, guys."

When she got no response but Josh's snores, she sighed, "Okay, but I warned you."

Farrah flicked her wrist and the buckets tipped over, emptying the water onto Josh and Regulus. Both boys flew up with a start, Regulus slipping on the wet floor and falling back to the ground with a groan.


The dark-haired girl smiled, "Now that the both of you are awake, I'd suggest you hurry up and get ready. We have Transfiguration in fifteen minutes and I doubt you both would want to be late to McGonagall's first class of the year."

With those words, she left the two boys to get ready while she went down to Transfiguration to save them seats. When Farrah arrived at the classroom, she realized that she was the first person there. The girl rest her bag down in the middle of the classroom, saving the seats on either side of her for Josh and Regulus (she'd prefer to sit in the front but the boys preferred to sit in the back for McGonagall's class; the middle was their compromise).

"Oh, Miss MacMillan," the Head of Gryffindor house said as she saw the girl in the classroom, "You're here rather early."

Farrah nodded, "Well, they do say that the early bird gets the worm, Professor."

The professor looked at the girl and smiled before Farrah asked, "Do you need any help with anything, Professor?"

"Oh, if you'd be a dear and just place these course guidelines by everyone's seat."

Farrah took the stack from the professor's table, "No problem, Professor."

By the time Farrah had completed sharing out the guidelines, most of the class (including Regulus and Josh) had entered the classroom.

"I thought you two would be here much earlier," Farrah whispered as she sat down in her seat, "Considering the fact that I saved you a trip to the bath."

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