Everything is going according to Cake(Plan)

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(My Comments)

(This is rated R, I'm pretty sure this is rated R, like this chapter has to be rated R)



As Y/n and Kylie stood there, menacingly, looking at their abusers, they both smile at them. The others just stand there afraid.

Y/n: But, to make it fair, we'll give you a fighting chance!

Kylie: You have weapons and can use your semblance. But remember to make this interesting, we want to make this as fun a possible. For us anyway.

Ruby: But brother, I thought you said you forgive us!

Y/n: Hehe, hahahah, HAHAHA! I can't believe, you actually believe that nonsense! Do you get it, we was playing you guys from the beginning!

Weiss: What do you mean?!

Kylie: What he means, is what he just said. We. Are. Playing. You. Even now we are, you see this isn't just for our pleasure but for all of Remnant shall see your fate!

Y/n: Yep! Now, everything is going according to cake.

Yang: Cake?

Kylie: Plan.

Y/n: Now let us begin!

TIMESKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY Chibi Y/n reading Angel Of Death


Everyone stood there, Kylie and Y/n on one side and their abusers in the other. Y/n smiles evily while Kylie licks her lips before cracking her finger.

Y/n/Kylie: Who wants to party!

Kylie and Y/n run at their opponents, Y/n jumps in between his "family" while Kylie uses her tentacles to hit her "family back.

Kylie's POV

I run at Whitley first but Winter jumps in between us, I kick her back and use my tentacles to throw her across the stage.

Kylie: Move bitch! Get outta the way!

I continue my assault against Whitley as he tries to defend himself but I knock the rapier out of his hand and launch myself at him and bite down in his shoulder, ripping his flesh. I spit it out back at him and grin.

Whitley: AHHHHHH!

Kylie: Hehe, you brought this on yourself.

I run around Whitley, confusing him when suddenly a huge white knight attacks me, I dodge out of the way and climb up it's arm and attack weiss, biting off her right arm before using of my tentacles to toss her around.

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