"How can you stop everyone? And can you please just go away?"

She grabs my arm tightly, hurting it. She leans close and whispers "You will date me, or I'll hurt you."

I panic.

I yank my arm from her grasp and yell "Leave me alone!"

She tries grabbing me again, and I run out of the room. We weren't learning anything important anyways.

She chases me, and I start running to Russia's class.

I run into Russia, who picks me up. I start crying.

"J-Japan said sh-she would h-hurt me if I didn't d-date her!"

He grumbles. "Japan needs to stop bothering people."

I nod, and he carries me back to the dorm. We start getting ready for work, when there's a knock at the door.

Russia answers it, and its Japan.

She says "I need to talk to America. We're going on a date soon."

I yell "One, we are NOT dating! Two, I'm going to work soon!"

Russia closes and locks the door while we get ready for work.

When we leave, I feel like we're being followed

I look behind us to see Japan jump into a bush.

I pull Russia down and whisper to him. "Japan's following us. I saw her jump into a bush."

He looks over, and we see her shoe poking out from under the bush.

Russia grabs her and shoves her in a nearby trashcan. "Know your place, trash!"

I chuckle a little, and Russia scoops me up. He runs to the coffee shop before Japan can get out of the trashcan.

We walk into work, and go talk to Ethiopia until our shift starts.

*+*A bit later*+*
*Russias PoV*

While serving customers, I look up just as Japan walks in.

She sees America and smiles at him. He doesn't notice, and continues making his order.

Japan walks up to the counter. I ask "May I take your order?"

She says "I want to be served my my boyfriend."

America finishes his order, and says "Japan, I'm not your boyfriend. Leave me alone."

America hands the order to the customer, and starts helping someone else.

I ask again. "May I take your order? He's busy right now."

She says "You'll probably poison my drink!"

"Why would I poison your drink?!"

America finishes with his customer, and Japan grabs his shoulders over the counter. He pushes her off and backs away.

Japan says "Babe, please serve me! That mean monster is gonna poison my drink!"

America says "I am not your boyfriend. Please leave me alone."

She grabs his shirt and pulls him in for a kiss.

I grab her arms and push her away before their lips connect. Meri hugs me and starts crying, and Japan starts yelling at me. Ethiopia comes out and says "Japan, please leave. I saw everything."

Japan says a bunch of stuff in Japanese, then storms out of the shop.

We finish our shift, and start heading home.

Some kids start congratulating Meri, and he asks "What did I do?"

Someone says "You got lucky! Japan chose you to be her boyfriend! She said that you said yes!"

America says "I never said yes. She lied."

They gasp. "How could you turn her down?! She's the hottest and most popular girl in school!"

"Popularity is stupid. We're in college! Why does it still exist?! And I don't like girls anyways!"

He doesn't like girls?

South Korea walks over. "Who do you like, America?"

He goes quiet.

SK asks again. "Who do you like?"

He mumbles "R- No one..."

SK almost yells "You were gonna say someone's name! Who is it?"

America says "It doesn't matter! Why do you want to know?!"

"Because who could you possibly like that's better than Japan?!"

America comes closer to me, and I pick him up.

I run back to the dorm, Meri hugging me tightly.

I lock the door behind us, then sit on the couch.

I ask "Can you tell me who you like? Since it's just the two of us."

"I-I don't want to tell anyone yet."

"Oh, ok. Will you tell me when you're ready?"

He nods.

I get up and start cooking dinner while he does his homework.

I'm stuck with you, and I like it (OLD AND DISCONTINUED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang