I smile lightly at his stammering and stuttering, "Simon, if I had a telepathy rune, I'd use it."

"Right- of course, okay." Simon clears his throat, "We've been friends- best friends for a long time- a really long time. And the last thing I'd ever want to do is screw that up. Because it's- it's really important to me."

My eyebrows furrow in confusion, "It's really important to me, too."

"But- the thing is, when two people are friends, people like you and me- sometimes feelings evolve, you know?" Simon rambled, "And the relationship, friendship, whatever it is, needs to change along with it-"

"Wait, so this is about Maia?" I was oblivious and confused to what he actually was trying to explain, "Do you think that we can't still be best friends because you're seeing her? I don't want you to think that-"

"No, see, that's it!" Simon blurts out, "I don't- I don't want to see anyone."

I blink, "What?"

"Anyone- anyone else, I mean." Simon corrects himself then sighed, "I'm in love with you, Zee."

Those words hit me hard.

My best friend was in love with me.

I always thought it was Clary he wanted to be with, or maybe he would've ended up with Maureen at some point, and now that Maia was in the picture?

I was completely shocked.

I felt as if I was over Jace, and considering that he was my brother, anything with him was completely out of the window.

But, Simon was in love with me.

He wanted to be with me.

And I've needed to move on ever since Jace.

This was my shot to move on.

And the thought of how sweet Simon was, it only made me feel warm inside.

Simon notices the shock on my face, "But, I realized that you might not feel the same way, and it might get weird-"

"Simon-" I closed the distance between us, placing my hands on his chest, instantly shutting him off, "Promise me something."

Simon's eyes flickered between mine, "Anything."

"This friendship is way too important to me to ever lose if something happens between us." I was already making future predictions due to my overthinking, "Promise me that- if we do this- no matter what happens, nothing will change. We will still be best friends- and have each other's back- that what we have now- won't disappear if something does happen. I need the reassurance."

Something shines in Simon's eyes, and I could feel his heartbeat quickening under my palm, "I promise."

I swallow hard before pushing myself onto my tippy toes and gently pressing my lips into his, the warming feeling inside of me only intensifying.

Simon almost instantly wrapping his arms around me and pulled me close, completely embracing the kiss.

I slowly pull away, my eyes locked with his.

"Was that weird?" Simon questioned, biting his bottom lip.

"So weird." I admit, this earning a small laugh from both of us, "But- good weird."

A smile forms on Simon's lips, "Really?"

I exhale sharply, softly smiling, giving him a small nod, "Yeah."


I slowly walked down the hall towards Magnus' apartment with Simon the next night.

It was Max's rune ceremony party; Magnus was hosting it.

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