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There's a sweet tune, a light melodic hum that sings to her from inside the house. It's bright and oh so happy that she sighs with the lullaby, singing the words off-key on a breath. Reyna has heard the song for what felt like days, even if we knew it was only a few hours, but she couldn't get enough of it since it was accompanied by that wonderful new baby smell and a general happiness that had whisked away the dread and fear that had seized the home three days prior.

For everything was seemingly back to normal again. The wolves were no longer the enemy. She was free to hunt along the mountains if she so wished. Bella was as alive as she would ever be — on the edge of immortality. Renesmee was nothing but a sweetheart that Reyna could cradle in brief intervals.

All was good.

Embry was here. He was in the kitchen with Jake and Seth, wasting everything Esme presented to them. He was in her room taking cat naps after a long run and a longer patrol.

He was there now, seated at the edge of her vision on the balcony, watching as she sketched with precise strokes over graph paper.

A small cabin size house that would fit in Carlisle's property and hold all the room that the young family would need.

She loved the small building more than she had ever thought she would, and as the first home she had ever designed, she could feel the tension build the longer she waited for Bella to wake for Reyna knew that Edward loved it, that no secret could truly get passed him, but it was her dear friends opinion that she cared for most. It was something that came from her heart, that she had created from her own emotions woven together with everything that she knew about her friend.

It was important that she had gotten it right.

It was important that Bella loved it.

And as much as she put the image down into her book, letting her artistic side loose, Reyna felt like something was off, that she had gotten something wrong because she could see the little cottage home clearly in her mind but something kept getting lost in the translation to paper.

She tore out a new sheet, crumbling it angrily in a fist, and tossed it as far that she could to land in the pile of discarded drawings. Her pile of failure.

"Take a breath."

Like magic his voice sinks into her stone skin, easing the tension away as though she had never been stressed to begin with.

"What's wrong?" he asks and even with the distance, she can feel the heat that radiated from him, the strength of his heart as it beat its wonderful steady rhythm. Embry was so great, so perfect, and somehow she couldn't recall the way she had been so angry from him before.

He made it seem like nothing else in the world existed beyond him, and Reyna had no issue with that in the slightest.

How crazy it was that a boy she hardly knew could consume her with such love and joy, such incredibly strong feelings, and Reyna wanted nothing more than to just hold him -- to kiss him once, fully, without fear, would be a dream, a moment that could carry her on through the rest of immortality.

And if Reyna had been anyone else she might have stolen a kiss or two, might have taken advantage of how she understood the imprint bond to work, but she wasn't anyone else. She knew what it was like to be the subject of unrequited advances and pressing of boys that get too close into her space, inching into her side, and Reyna knew better than anyone how uncomfortable it could be when you couldn't find the words to tell them no.

Honestly, she would rather die all over again that become that sort of person, especially to Embry. She wasn't going to be one of those people that lost all sense of logic and ability to think around the one that they love.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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