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Moaning and groaning was a clear ring in her ears as she listenned to Seth complain about something while in wolf form. The boy must have been just within reach of the others because Esme across from her could barely contain her smile at the sound.

Both of them were gathered in the kitchen, cooking something large for the wolves and light for Bella. It kept then busy, distracted from the hunger that was only growing. It had been just around two weeks for Reyna now, her body a buzz and her instincts growing harder to control even with Jasper's help.

The duo had spent much more time together out front with Emmett, the three taking watch almost constantly so they could work through the agony that they felt, Reyna hovering just within sight of the house.

Wrapping another sandwich with quick movements, Reyna added it to the stack they had created. She heard ths fast approaching steps before the others did, only Seth's grumbling giving away the newcomer.

It wasn't a threat, Edward not moving from his seat by Bella, so she did little more than begin to assemble the necessary things for more sandwiches.

A whole night and nothing had occured, one where she blanked out the phone call that echoed through her head with the company of idiot boys that pushed and pushed her harder.

Gathering the sandwiches on a large platter, Reyna greeted Carlisle with a gentle smile when she stepped outside. He looked so tired and worn out, and Reyna wondered if she looked much the same, or perhaps worse than he did.

Just in time to see Jacob coming up to the house, she held the tray out with a smile.

"Who came?" She asked, voice impossibly hopeful. 

Jacob shook his head. "Leah, ditched the others. You make these?"

Her joy faltered, snagging on other silly emotions, before her smile came back in full. "Yes, Esme helped with a few."

Nodding, he grabbed a few from the tray before moving to head inside with Carlisle, both taking about Bella quietly.

"Go ahead and see the others, but don't get too upset if Leah gets prickly," Jacob warned, uncharacteristically kind, and Reyna was already eternally grateful for it.

She nodded, smile growing as she followed the trail he had made to the scents of the others. Seth she knew already, finding it easy to follow, and Reyna kicked up the speed, careful of the food as she darted through the trees after them. 

Catching up was like a silly game, Seth's snorting at the fun he was having was enough to keep her at it for a little while longer, letting him have his fun before she planted herself down within view of the house and waited patiently.

A small, tawny wolf crept forward through the snapping branches underfoot as he grew closer, and from behind was a sleek silver that twisted forward snappishly.

Reyna picked up a sandwich, carefully unwrapping it and holding it out to Seth as an offer. He took it with a happy yip, chomping down and swallowing it in one go.

She repeated the gesture with Leah, holding it out, but the girl stood steady. Her smile remained as she tossed it to her brother instead.

"Thank you, Leah, for coming to help. Even if it was only for your brother." She said, casually unwrapping another sandwich and tossing it to the boy. "I don't mean to pry, but I wonder if Embry, did he . . . ?"

The silver wolf appraised her a moment before ducking behind a tree. The sound of cracking as she shifted caused her to wince, a shiver running down her spine as she continued to feed Seth.

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