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The tension was dangerously high around the Cullen home, the edge that each person carried was enough to result in a large snap if one wrong move was made.

The newly weds were kept apart, Rosalie refusing to let him upset Bella in this condition. Reyna couldn't help but agree when her friend looked so ill that it made her sick just to look at her. Skin pale, loosing weight and pulling taunt, Bella was beginning to grow covered in bruises around the stomach. It has only been a week, but the child was growing faster than humanly possible, taking more out of the human than thought possible.

It was a constant struggle for the new vampire, the girl having to fight against her growing thrist with the immediate scent of fresh blood just within her reach while working hard to make sure that no one by passed her to get to Bella. Rosalie was at the human's side near constantly, but Reyna was perched outside the room to keep away the other's unless asked otherwise.

She knew, obviously, that Edward would do anything for Bella, but he could not simply watch her fade away like she was. He would rather die before she was able to leave him, and Reyna was sure she would feel the same if presented with the opportunity.

She hardly knew him, all details and stories shared to her from Bella, but Embry was hers, her heart now that her own was useless. If he was to find danger like this, Reyna would do anything to save him.

Though, in the place where her heart was, she could feel the pain of denying him anything he wanted - if he was willing to die for something, Reyna would no doubt die alongside him. No questions asked.

She imagined it must have been much worse for Edward, having spent two years with his mate only to risk loosing her now, when they were so close to eternity. It only made sense to her that he would be acting so hostile and volatile.

The shuffle of footsteps upstairs brought her to attention, her mind snapping to calculate the placement of each person as they moved about.

It had been a week since Bella's return, a week since they had been permitted to feed. Their was this scare, like the family was frightened of being caught away from the home - that either Charlie or the wolves would come to their door, demanding metaphorical blood. She did not see the issue, the wolves wouldn't come if they were unaware of any problems.

And even then a shield would be all that was needed to keep them from getting any closer. Vampires did not grow tired, she could go over and over again, putting up shield after shield until they stuck firm and were no longer needed.

"Reyna, we have company," the girl looked over her shoulder, heels dusting against the floor as she darted from her place outside the room to where Rosalie stood at the window.

"What?" She questioned, head tilting as she listened carefully - stretching her range as far as she could.

She could hear all the way out to the freeway and winced at the jarring sound of tourist traffic. She pulled back, focusing more on the way to the house and heard the rev of a motorbike as it grew closer to the narrow road.

The newborn focused outward, the vestiges of her newborn enhancements aiding her to pick of Jacob as he drove in this direction, picking him out easily through the small gaps in the leaves.

"You don't think he knows?" She whispered to the blonde, pitching her voice lower than Bella could possibly hear.

Rosalie shook her head. "It's impossible for him to know. He must think she's no longer human."

Reyna winced, eyes fluttering closed for a moment. They were uncertain of what would happen to the human girl, the baby taking more than the human could give.

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