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Moving giant logs was incredibly easy- she had one placed over each shoulder as she bounced around the Cullen's back yard behind Rose and Emmett, each carrying a log each. She knew they could carry more, but she figured they didn't want to.

Reyna enjoyed helping, enjoyed being able to bounce around behind the others helping as much as she could. She was incredibly swift and to the point with her work, easily understanding Alice's vision and goals for the wedding.

She believed that Bella deserved the most extraordinary union in her life. The human believed that marriage was nothing more than a slip of paper but she viewed I as much more; it was a demonstration, a vow in front of a of the people that are most important to you that you love this one person enough to spend your forever with them.

Isabella wanted to transform herself into one of the pale skinned vampires that lived in the house, and Reyna would be damned if the girl didn't remember this moment for the rest of her eternal life.

It was more than pretty lights and expensive decorations, it was the pieces that led up to an unforgettable moment of time.

While Alice berated the couple ahead of her for lack of imagination, the newest vampire found it easy to drop the tree trunk to the side of the aisle gently, marking a pretty path. Flats stuck to her feet as she danced around the vampires that lingered, she skipped around them, her eyes a deep amber as she neared a week on animal blood.

She had marked it down on the calendar, the approximate time when her crimson eyes would fade to a glimmering topaz. It was a day she anticipated, when she could go to the border where she could finally greet the creatures that resided on the other side- wolf's as Carlisle had explained to her.

It was a shock, though she felt quite silly one realizing that they looked like wolves. Tall animals with deadly teeth that could cut through her stone like flesh and tare her apart- though she didn't care much for that. Reyna often found herself wondering what their fur felt like and how fast they were, how strong they could be in comparison to her.

She wanted to know them, run among them, and exist at their side but she had also been made aware that they hated her kind. Emmett and Rose had advised against pursuing a friendship with them, going as far as offering to take her away if it meant that she could keep her mind off it.

"I wish there was more I could do to help, Bells," Reyna called out to the girl that stood on the porch, a pair of white heels held in her hands. "I would have even thrown you a bachelorette party!"

Standing away from the steps, closer to the trees, Reyna felt the fire in her throat flaring with thirst at the indescribable scent of her friend. It caused her senses to hone in on the pump of blood that flushed through Bella's veins dangerously- taking every thing in her to keep away.

"That would have been awful," Bella countered, eyeing the vampire with a laugh. "You've done enough as it is, Rey, you're probably the only person keeping Alice from going crazy."

"She's been keeping me from going crazy," she called across the yard honestly. "She's been keeping me busy- focused enough for me to keep my head."

"You seem focused enough. You're doing very well," her friend insisted, moving closer to her.

Fear rose in her chest as the scent got stronger- enveloping her and sending a fire down her throat. Reyna backed away quickly- strengthened speed sending her back many feet in a matter of seconds. She could feel her eyes growing darker, snarls growing in her chest as she fought against her instincts to attack.

It was as though Jasper was aware of her struggle, the man appearing at her side and grabbing her by the arms before she could protest. She felt angry at the way he handled her as if she was nothing- her skin growing transparent the longer he held onto her.

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