The fight is down heat

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I run down the cave and while trying to keep myself alive, my phone begins to ring, I turn around and look at Undyne and put up my finger to tell her to give me a moment to answer the call.

The one who calls is Alphys and she tells me how to beat Undyne and as that happens I look at Undyne and see her tapping her foot in anger, waiting for me to hang up.

With that I figured she try to ambush me, not just stand there... she is surprisingly polite in a very aggressive way.

Alphys tells me that she can't do much against heat so head straight and you'll find hotland and since there isn't water nor cool temperatures she won't want to try and follow you.

So she hangs up and I start running again and Undyne takes charge towards me with many spears and then... another call.

I pick up and its Papyrus, he called to ask about what type of pasta to make for dinner, and while that happens I look back again and she is just standing there tapping her foot... so as long as I'm on the phone she won't disturb me..hmmmm.

I start walking while talking on the phone towards hotland, and she just follows quietly as she can, which is hard when she has a lot of armor that is clanking around.

Right when I enter hotland Papyrus is down with the call and hangs up. Undyne on the other hand looks very peved but then becomes excited I finally ended the call, but right as to her coming at me with an attack, she starts slowing down from the heat and faints on the ground.

I look back and see a water stand i surprisingly thought convenient. I got a cup and poured it over Undyne and she comes back alive but she doesn't plan to fight in a hot place so she leaves me be, but she swears she'll get me.

By the water cooler I see sans and on an uncomfortable note I leave him be since it looks like he is sleeping.

So I head farther into hotland and find this huge lab and so I enter....

( to be continued )

Thank you for reading this even though I don't come back to it so often but I'm glad you guys are enjoying this story.
o( ̄▽ ̄)d

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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