it's him and echo flowers

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I opened the door and saw sans again. He smirked when he saw me then pupyrus showed me around his house then I got sleepy from the battle with pupyrus. "Pupyrus I'm getting abit tired".

He then led me to the coach and tucked me in even though I still have some battle woons and flowy was set by me on the table.

When I woke up slowly and suddenly I saw sans face right infront of mine!! Then I saw he fell asleep there maybe watching me I thought.

I got up and tuked sans into the bed because it looked like he was worried and stayed up.
Also I smelled something coming from the kitchen and it was pupyrus making spogetti. "Morning pupyrus, the food smells good". He looks at me with a sorta blank blush face. "Where is my good for nothing brother? " he said. " oh he fell asleep and I put I'm on the coach".

"Oh so he's slacking off is he?" I then see him with a mad look and goes to the coach and kicks his brother off so he would wake up. "Get up you idiot, I made breakfast."

Sans while irritated he looked to see me up before him and blushes. "How are you kid?"
Sans said. "Well I still have some pains in my arms, OUCH!"

Sans holds my arms and touches my purple bruses. I pull my arm away and stare at him with hurting eyes. "Uh sorry didn't think that they where that bad.... do you want me to get some bandages for your injuries?"

"SANS you slouch come here!" Pupyrus yelling. Sans went to the kitchen and right before he entered the room I told him "yes I would like some bandages for my injuries."

I looked and it seemed he blushed while walking in. Also while breakfast there was a dog that looked like snow and had a bone. "Umm pupyrus is this your dog?"

"That dog keeps on taking my bones under the sink!" Pupyrus while chasing the dog. *sninkers* Sans was sorta laughing at pupyrus's stroggle.

Then sans come to me and took me by the hand and said "I have a short cut", we then appeared in a land of flowers that looked blue and very beautyful.

"Where are we?" I asked. "We are in the echo flower field." Sans exclaimed. I walked around looking at the flowers and I hear something coming from it.

I put my ear up to it and it said "~look at the stars~~when can I reach them~~soon... "

" hay sans the flowers talked to me." I said.
"Well they echo what people say even after a really long time and we better head back before pupyrus brakes another bone." Sans told me these flowers repeat lines told to them.


"Comon kid", "coming sans"...

Hey guys sorry for taking long still have lots of school work and sports, but I hope you liked this chapter. 。^‿^。
( ^∇^)

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